O God, whose blessed Son came into the world that he might destroy the works of the devil and make us children of God and heirs of eternal life: Grant that, having this hope, we may purify ourselves as he is pure; that, when he comes again with power and great glory, we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (BCP, Collect for Proper 27A)
Readings for Sunday – November 12
Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25
Psalm 78:1-7
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Matthew 25:1-13
November 12– 10:00 - Who’s Who
Verger – Doug Jenisch; Greeter – Davis; Host – Roy Black; Readers – Joyce Mechling and Rich
Kremer; Psalm and Prayers – Kristin Wood; Chalice – Pam Hanson and Joan Lawrence-Studebaker;
Announcements – Rich Kremer; Counters – Carl Hanson and Pete Lepre; Altar Guild – Greg and Bev
Taylor; Coffee Hour – Tom McCleary; Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan
Scott’s Schedule
November 13 – Office Hours, 9-12; Bible Study, 7-8:30
November 14 – Office Hours, 9-12
November 15 – Leadership Group, 1:30 – 3
November 17 – Sabbath Day
November 18 – Sabbath Day
Upcoming Events
Please send event and prayer updates to announcements.spc@gmail.com
November 12 – MICAH Event
November 13 – Bible Study
November 21 – Vestry Meeting
November 23 – Thanksgiving Day
November 29 – Advent Taizé
December 3 – Advent I
December 3 – Quarterly Meeting
December 5 – Ladies Christmas Potluck
Calendar Events
November 11 – St. Paul’s Holiday Bazaar
For more information please speak to Kate Townsend.
Friday, November 10 - Holiday Bazaar Setup
Please sign up to help us prepare for the Holiday Bazaar. Any time you have between 9 am and
7pm will be appreciated. Contact Dede Mackie at dmackie671@gmail.com or sign up at St. Paul's
after October 21st.
Saturday, November 11 - Holiday Bazaar 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Please come to volunteer, shop for your own family and be part of an uplifting church community
event! Clean up help is needed after the closing time.
November 12 – United Thank Offering Ingathering (UTO) – We are still taking donations to the UTO. Please remember your blue box of change, or a check made out to St, Paul’s (UTO in memo) anytime in November so we can make a joyful noise with our coins. For more information visit: www.episcopalchurch.org/uto For more information about our collection, please contact Jane Davis. Thank you.
November 12 – UVIP Micah Hero Event - We will be honoring and celebrating Jonathan Brennan, our 2017 St. Paul's Micah Hero November 12th. Thank you for supporting Jonathan and UVIP.
November 13 – Bible Study from 7 -8:30 in the parish house. We will be focusing on the readings for November 19 - Judges 4:1-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, and Matthew 25:14-30 This is a stand-alone session – no prior experience or involvement is necessary. All are welcome!
November 20 - Listen Community Dinner - Our next Listen Dinner will be November 20th and meal will be planned and organized by Justin, Becky, Joseph, Morgan, and Madison Barwood.
December 3 - Quarterly Meeting of the Parish – December 3
The Vestry invites you to join us for our next quarterly all-parish meeting:
after the 10am service on Sunday December 3rd
Our quarterly meetings are a time for us to “take our temperature” and talk about any joys or concerns we may have about our life together. We would especially like to focus our attention this time on our large fund-raising activities, as preparation for establishing next year’s budget. How can we think “outside the box” about these events, which build connections among us and which extend those connections to the wider community? How can we shape our fundraisers to address the community needs God brings to our attention while also taking into account the changing demographic of our parish? We are a smaller parish that at some points in St. Paul’s history. We are older and less able to physically do what we have been doing at Bargain Bin for the past few years.
Please put on your thinking caps, your prayer shawls, and seek Wisdom about our participation in the furtherance of God’s Kindom. [‘Kindom’, rather than ‘kingdom’ is one of Pam’s favorite changes suggested in The Inclusive Bible.]
December 5 – Women’s Potluck - There will be a Women’s Christmas pot luck dinner at Judy Barwood's on Tuesday, December 5 starting at 5:30 pm for all women of St. Paul's. Guests are welcome. Please let Judy know if you plan to attend at 802-295-2435 or jbarwood@together.net
January 9 - Caring Ministries - our next meeting will be January 9th, 7pm, at the Parish House.
General Announcements
When does worship begin – Worship begins with the Prelude. My understanding of the prelude is that it is a musical offering to God and is part of our morning’s worship. It is not intended to be gathering music but an offering to God. To help us center on this offering, the bell calling us to worship will be rung before the prelude begins. This shift will begin on Sunday, October 22. I am also asking the choir and others to gather for conversation in the parish hall before worship to reduce the noise level in the narthex and sanctuary for those wishing to arrive early and pray in the silence in the sanctuary. Thank you, Scott
Help Wanted - We need a New verger – is it you? – Cindy Patenaude is stepping down from the verger position. At St. Paul’s the verger puts together the schedule of everyone who serves on a Sunday morning, readers, chalice people, etc. If you are detail oriented and like puzzles this is the ministry for you. Please contact Scott if you would like more information or are interested in this vital ministry. Thanks Cindy for your ministry in this area.
Gift Boxes for Deployed Service Members - I have a Blue Star Mothers’ group that is preparing boxes for deployed service members. If anyone knows/has a deployed service member who they would like to receive a “gift box”, please send their Rank Name and mailing address to Judi Shank at nanajudi03751@gmail.com. Thank you, Judi Shank.
Episcopal Relief and Development continues to collect donations to hurricane victims and their family. To donate got to www.er-d.org
The Haven’s Top 5 Most Needed Items: Pasta sauce, cereal, tuna, brown rice, and peanut butter. All items collected at the church are brought to the Haven Food Shelf.
Bible Study - meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 7 PM in the Parish house. Each gathering is totally independent of previous gatherings. No experience necessary. Come and explore the readings for the following Sunday. All are Welcome.
Knit and Purl Fellowship -meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in Parish House, 6:30 pm. All are welcome and all handcrafts are welcome. If you have questions, please contact Holly Hall or Susan Pillsbury.
Contemplative Prayer and Meditation- Our next prayer time will be November 15th, 5:30 in St. Paul's Sanctuary. We will not have Wednesday prayer in December because we will have Taizé Wednesday services throughout Advent. Contemplative Prayer will meet again 1st and 3rd Wednesday in January. Parishioners, friends, family, neighbors and others are welcome! For more information, please contact Diana Collins or Holly Hall.
Weston Priory- Anyone can attend services at Weston Priory during the week or weekend. Best to check their web page for times of services and days Brothers are on monthly Sabbath or retreat. Holly Hall will be going once or twice a month through the summer and you are welcome to join her.
+ + + + +
St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson, Senior Warden; Greg Taylor, Junior Warden; Bev Barton; Jon Chaffee; Cindy Dale; Holly Hall; Rich Kremer; John Monfette.
Ongoing Reminders
- Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.
- Laying on of Hands – On the first Sunday of every month those wishing to receive laying on our hands are invited to gather at the Baptismal Font (just as you entered the church) immediately after you have received communion.
- Wednesday Morning Group Meeting – every Wednesday 9:30-11:00am -- Anyone is welcome to attend.
- Worship Team meets – 2nd Thursday of the month in the Parish House at 4pm, all are welcome to attend.
- Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish House at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.
- Brookside Nursing Home Church Services – We are currently on summer leave - - Second Sunday of each month (Sept-June) from 2-2:30 pm. If you would like more information about this service, please contact Holly.
- Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! - Fourth Tuesday of every month at 2 PM.
- Knit and Purl Fellowship – Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the Parish House, 6:30 PM. Contact Holly for info.
- Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!
- St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month, after church (and a little of coffee hour!), for discussion and planning. All are welcome to join us!
- Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.