Sunday – January 21 following worship

This will be a hybrid meeting


The order for the morning              

·       10 AM – Worship in the sanctuary

·       11:15 – Potluck Meal in the parish hall

·       12:15 – Annual Meeting




PLEASE BRING a dish to share


for easy clean up and conservation of time (before the meeting) and energy





Hope to see you there!


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AuthorSaint Pauls

St. Paul's to Screen Philadelphia Eleven Film: "Witness to History" March 29 at 2 p.m.

On March 29 at 2:00 p.m., in honor of Women's History Month, St. Paul's, White River Junction will host a screening of the film "Witness to History." The film recounts the story of the Philadelphia Eleven, the women who were ordained priests at the Church of the Advocate, Philadelphia, on July 29, 1974 -- two years before General Convention authorized the ordination of women. The screening will be followed by discussion and refreshments. Call the St. Paul's parish office at 802-295-5415 with questions.

Download an event flyer.

AuthorSaint Pauls

The First Sunday in Lent

The Collect

Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan: Come quickly to help us who are assaulted by many temptations; and, as you know the weaknesses of each of us, let each one find you mighty to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

.A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain

Readings from the Lectionary

Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7

Romans 5:12-19

Matthew 4:1-11

Psalm 32

Scott’s Schedule     

March 2 – Office Hours, 9 – 12; Vestry Meeting, 5:30 pm

March 3 – Weekly Council Meeting, 2:30 - 4

March 4 

March 5 – Office Hours, 9 – 12

March 6 – Sabbath Day (Commission on Ministry morning meeting)

March 7 – Sabbath Day


Who’s Who at 10 AM

                              Verger – Doug Jenisch

      Greeter – Holly Hall

                              Host –Roy Black

                             Readers – Louise Pietsch, Dick Davis

                              Psalms and Prayers – Elizabeth Higgins

                              Chalice Bearers –Nancy Snyder, Joan Lawrence-Studebaker

                              Assisting Clergy – Stew Wood

                              Nursery Care – Pam Hanson

                              Announcements – Bev Barton

                              Coffee Hour  - TBA

                              Counters –Bev Barton, Molly Castaldo

                              Altar Guild – All, as available

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Doug Jenisch

St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22); Jeff Wilcox (’23); Molly Castaldo (’23); Andrew Pillsbury (’23)

Upcoming Events

March 1 – First Sunday in Lent

March 4 – Men’s Coffee at McDonald’s, 9 am (note new time)

March 4 – Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinner

March 13 – St. Paul’s Movie Night

March 16 – Listen Community Supper

March 27-28 – Vestry Retreat at Mission Farm

Prayer Requests

 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Shannon, Our Bishop; Scott our Priest; Ministry of Shannon, our 11th Bishop; Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington; Iglesia Anglicana de Chile.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell; Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.

For those asking for our prayers:  Kayci Bayerle; Pat H.; Susan, Judy and Cindy WhiteYufeng and her husband Charlie, Judi; Barbara; Karen; Francis Monahan and the Breen family; Kevin; Ray Pecor; Terri Q., Mike Fraga; Sarah; Terry; JoanNorma Hamel; Gloria Wheeler; Jay; Susan Hatfield; Mary Corrigan; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

For those who have died: Theresa; Robert White; Francis Monahan; Norma, Lois Miller; Jean; Rodney Throne.

In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.

Please send prayer requests to

General Announcements

MealTrain for Christine and David Davison - Their life is a bit over-full right now with appointments helping Christine's son Nick.  Any help with meals would lighten their burden and be greatly appreciated.You can sign up by clicking the ink: Questions or problems with access to the mealtrain, please contact Pam Hanson, 603-558-1239 or

A Reminder: This is a gentle reminder to please remember to keep your belongings with you during church and coffee hour. It is important that while we are hosting our neighbors from the Overnight Shelter we keep temptation to a minimum.

The Lenten series this year introduces Sacred Ground, a readings and film-based dialogue on race and faith developed by the National Episcopal Church. We will meet on the following six Sunday afternoons: March 1st, 15th, and 29th, April 19th, and May 3rd and 17th. The meetings will be held from 4 to 5:30 pm at Kendal in Hanover. Members of St. Barnabas and St. Martins are invited to join us. 

Sacred Ground invites participants to reflect on family histories and stories, as well as important narratives that shape the collective American story. It holds as its guiding star the vision of beloved community – where all people are honored and protected and nurtured as beloved children of God, where we weep at one another’s pain and seek one another’s flourishing. 

There is no limitation on the number of participants but it is necessary to register in advance. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall and you can also sign up or ask questions by contacting Mary Burton at or call 603-277-9243. 

Please join as many sessions as possible, but with the understanding that all dates may not work for everyone. All sessions are open to new participants. More information about Sacred Ground is available on the National Episcopal Church website at

Kendal is located in Hanover, at 80 Lyme Road (Route 10) about 2 miles north of Dartmouth. The entrance drive is on your left. Take a left at the intersection and continue to follow the road to the Community Center entrance. Parking is located to the left of the entrance. Check in at the front desk and tell the attendant you’re part of the Sacred Ground group and you’ll be directed upstairs to the meeting room. 

March 2 – Knit and Purl Knit Fellowship – meets at 6:30 PM in the Parish House. The 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house. All are welcome!

March 4- "SPC Men's Coffee" is open to all men at 9:00 am at McDonalds in West Lebanon, NH. We get together every Wednesday. Note new time:  9 am not 9:30.

March 8 – March Birthday Blessings

March 9 – Bible Study – 7:00 PM in the Parish House. We will be focusing on Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11 and John 4:5-42. These are stand-alone sessions – no prior attendance is required. Everyone is welcome to attend.


Here is what we need:

10 Tuna Noodle Casseroles

10 boxes of ice cream sandwiches

5 volunteers to prepare and serve the dinner

There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board OR Email Nancy Snyder to sign A recipe for the casserole will also be on the bulletin board. Each casserole should feed 10 people. Thank you!

March 16 - Caring Ministries Meeting – 7 PM in the Parish Hall.  Caring Ministries is a group ministry made up of individuals interested in healing, prayer, and pastoral comfort. We meet regularly to learn, share, and refresh our mission. Speak to Geri Williams (team leader), Scott Neal, or members you see offering healing prayer on Sundays for more information.

March 21 - Vermont  Special Olympics will have a  Penquin Plunge at Bromley  Mountain at 1pm. Their poster is  on the  Parish Hall bulletin board. Three Boys Baking uses our kitchen every Monday and Randi, Bo and Rose will take the plunge! They would appreciate anyone  coming to cheer them on or help with fund raising.

A note regarding the Server schedule - It has come to my attention that scheduling changes are being made on the schedule in the hallway in the church. This is great but the office needs to be notified of those changes in order to provide accurate ‘Who’s Who’ listings in the weekly announcements. If you switch with someone on the schedule please be sure to notify Jenny in the parish office, Thank you, Scott

Flu Season and Coronavirus Precautions:

At the Peace  -  - It is fine if you choose a friendly wave or bow with hand clasped instead of a handshake as a sign of peace.

At Communion - - I also remind you that “since we understand that Christ is fully present in both the bread and/or wine, you may choose to refrain from receiving the wine until the flu season has passed.” If you choose to receive wine from chalice, science has shown that it is better to drink from the cup than to intinct.

Episcopal Relief and Development has posted some very helpful information about the Coronavirus and how to be proactive HERE

A note to coffee hour hosts – cleanup is part of your coffee hour hospitality. Recently Doug and Ann have been left with lots of kitchen cleanup to do after everyone else has gone home for the day. These duties include washing and putting away the dishes, putting away the tables and chairs and sweeping the floor. Often our Overnight Shelter Guests are willing to help and pitch in with these duties. Thanks, Scott  

Three Boys Baking update - A quick reminder that Three Boys Baking Bakery is using our kitchen on Monday mornings. They have dedicated space in the shelves in the kitchen for their supplies and cooking utensils. Please do not use or move these items. Thanks, Scott

Thank you to Overnight Shelter Guest Ministries Teams – Thank you for the fantastic hospitality you all have been offering our shelter guests on Sunday Mornings. I have spoken to many of our guests and they are extremely grateful for our hospitality, warm and delicious breakfast and lunch foods. Thank you also to Jenny for her willingness to be the ‘bridge’ between our two communities. Jenny is helping identify places where improvement is needed, long term planning needs happen and is developing systems and protocols for the future of this ministry. Thank you all very much for ministry and caring, Scott 

Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinners

Who:  St. Paul’s Church commits to

What:  Provide dinner for 6-8 volunteer staff (entrée and side dishes OR soup, bread & salad OR a 1 dish meal: really whatever you might prepare at home!)

When:             On the 1st Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4pm,

Where:            To the Clinic in downtown White River Junction.

How:  Please sign up to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others! 

There will be a sign up-sheet posted in the Parish Hall.

Contact Pam Hanson with any questions:

Food Shelf Needs at Upper Valley Haven:  Tuna, canned vegetables, canned fruit, soup, shelf-stable  milk, cream cheese and cheese.

Milk With Dignity is an effort to improve work and living conditions for dairy farm workers supported by UVIP, SURJ, Jewish Voice for Peace, and several other organizations. Hannaford's grocery stores are being encouraged to join the effort.  Please come and help!

Visibility events are being held near the West Lebanon Hannaford’s store.  

Week one of every month: UVIP: Every first Wednesday at 11am-12pm

Week two of every month: Rise! Upper Valley: Every second Tuesday 6-7pm 

Week Three of every month: Jewish Voice for Peace: Every third Sunday 1pm

Week four of every month: SURJ: Every last Saturday at 11:30am 




AuthorSaint Pauls

February 25 - 5:30 - Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at The Fort, 151 Heater Rd, Lebanon, NH

February 26 - Ash Wednesday

12 noon - St. Barnabas Episcopal Church - Norwich, VT - Rev. Jennie presiding, Fr. Scott preaching

7 pm - St. Paul’s Episcopal Church - White River Junction - Fr. Scott presiding, Rev. Jennie preaching

AuthorSaint Pauls

The Last Sunday after the Epiphany

 The Collect

 O God, who before the passion of your only begotten Son revealed his glory upon the holy mountain: Grant to us that we, beholding by faith the light of his countenance, may be strengthened to bear our cross, and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen


.A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain


Readings from the Lectionary

Scott’s Schedule     

February 24 – Office Hours, 9-12; Bible Study, 7:00 pm

February 25 – Weekly Council 2:30-4 pm; Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at the                                          Fort 5:30 pm

 February 26 – Ash Wednesday – worship 12 noon and 7 pm and quiet day

 February 27 – Office Hours 9-12; Valley Terrace 2-4

 February 28 – Sabbath Day

 February 29 – Sabbath Day


Who’s Who at 10 AM

                              Verger – Virginia Umland

      Greeter – Bruce Lather

                              Host –Stew Wood

                              Readers – Doug Jenisch, Judi Shank

                              Psalms and Prayers – Nancy Snyder

                              Chalice Bearers –Judi Shank, Mary Burton

                              Assisting Clergy – Louise Pietsch

                              Nursery Care – Greg Taylor

                              Announcements – Rich Kremer

                              Coffee Hour  - Virginia Umland and Beth Neal

                              Counters –Greg Taylor, Holly Hall

                              Altar Guild – All, as available

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Doug Jenisch


St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Jeff Wilcox (’23); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22)

Upcoming Events

 Please send event and prayer updates to   


February 22 – Parish Potluck and Discussion

February 24 – Bible Study

February 25 – Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Supper at The Fort

February 26 – Men’s Coffee at McDonald’s

February 26 – Ash Wednesday

March 1 – First Sunday in Lent

March 27-28 – Vestry Retreat at Mission Farm


Prayer Requests

 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Shannon, Our Bishop; Scott our Priest; Ministry of Shannon, our 11th Bishop; St. Michael’s Church, Brattleboro; Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell; Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.

For those asking for our prayers:  Kayci Bayerle; Pat H.; Susan, Judy and Cindy WhiteYufeng and her husband Charlie, Judi; Barbara; Karen; Francis Monahan and the Breen family; Kevin; Ray Pecor; Terri Q., Mike Fraga; Sarah; Terry; JoanNorma Hamel; Gloria Wheeler; Jay; Susan Hatfield; Mary Corrigan; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

 For those who have died: Theresa; Robert White; Francis Monahan; Norma, Lois Miller; Jean; Rodney Throne.

 In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.

Please send prayer requests to



General Announcements

 MealTrain for Christine and David Davison - Their life is a bit over-full right now with appointments helping Christine's son Nick.  Any help with meals would lighten their burden and be greatly appreciated.
You can sign up by clicking the link: Questions or problems with access to the mealtrain, please contact Pam Hanson, 603-558-1239 or

A Reminder: This is a gentle reminder to please remember to keep your belongings with you during church and coffee hour. It is important that while we are hosting our neighbors from the Overnight Shelter we keep temptation to a minimum.

February 22 – Parish Potluck and Discussion – Please mark your calendars and plan on attending this parish potluck and discussion. We will begin to examine priorities and options as we move forward as a parish. Remember to bring your plates, cups, silverware and napkins.

February 24 – Bible Study 7:00 – 8:30 PM  We will focus on Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7Romans 5:12-19 and Matthew 4:1-11, the First Sunday in Lent. All are welcome!

February 25 – Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at The Fort, Lebanon, at 5:30.  Please sign-up if you want to attend as we’ll need to give them an idea of numbers attending. The sign-up sheet is on the piano in the parish hall. To simplify check-out, Scott will pay the bill with the church credit card; please give your donation to Scott to cover the cost of the supper.

February 26 - "SPC Men's Coffee" is open to all men at 9:30am at McDonalds in West Lebanon, NH.

We get together every Wednesday.


February 26 –- Ash Wednesday Service Schedule – Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes. Services at 12 noon and 7 pm with St. Barnabas as follows:

            12 noon – St. Barnabas, Norwich.  Jennie Anderson – presiding; Scott Neal, preaching.

             7 PM – St. Paul’s, WRJ.  Scott Neal – presiding;  Jennie Anderson – preaching.


The Lenten series this year introduces Sacred Ground, a readings and film-based dialogue on race and faith developed by the National Episcopal Church. We will meet on the following six Sunday afternoons: March 1st, 15th, and 29th, April 19th, and May 3rd and 17th. The meetings will be held from 4 to 5:30 pm at Kendal in Hanover. Members of St. Barnabas and St. Martins are invited to join us. 

 Sacred Ground invites participants to reflect on family histories and stories, as well as important narratives that shape the collective American story. It holds as its guiding star the vision of beloved community – where all people are honored and protected and nurtured as beloved children of God, where we weep at one another’s pain and seek one another’s flourishing. 

 There is no limitation on the number of participants but it is necessary to register in advance. A sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall and you can also sign up or ask questions by contacting Mary Burton at or call 603-277-9243. 

 Please join as many sessions as possible, but with the understanding that all dates may not work for everyone. All sessions are open to new participants. More information about Sacred Ground is available on the National Episcopal Church website at

 Kendal is located in Hanover, at 80 Lyme Road (Route 10) about 2 miles north of Dartmouth. The entrance drive is on your left. Take a left at the intersection and continue to follow the road to the Community Center entrance. Parking is located to the left of the entrance. Check in at the front desk and tell the attendant you’re part of the Sacred Ground group and you’ll be directed upstairs to the meeting room. 


February 28 - a Celebration of Ministry at St. James Church, Woodstock, at 6 pm.. The Rev. Amy Spagna has been called as the rector at St. James’.

March 1 – Episcopal Relief and Development (ER-D) In-Gathering - the First Sunday in Lent is designated as ER-D In-Gathering Sunday by The Episcopal Church. Episcopal Relief & Development is the compassionate response of The Episcopal Church to human suffering in the world. Hearing God’s call to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human being, Episcopal Relief & Development serves to bring together the generosity of Episcopalians and others with the needs of the world. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Scott

March 21 - Vermont  Special Olympics will have a  Penquin Plunge at Bromley  Mountain at 1pm. Their poster is  on the  Parish Hall bulletin board. Three Boys Baking uses our kitchen every Monday and Randi, Bo and Rose will take the plunge! They would appreciate anyone  coming to cheer them on or help with fund raising.

A note regarding the Server schedule - It has come to my attention that scheduling changes are being made on the schedule in the hallway in the church. This is great but the office needs to be notified of those changes in order to provide accurate ‘Who’s Who’ listings in the weekly announcements. If you switch with someone on the schedule please be sure to notify Jenny in the parish office, Thank you, Scott

Flu Season and Coronavirus Precautions:

 At the Peace  -  - It is fine if you choose a friendly wave or bow with hand clasped instead of a handshake as a sign of peace.

 At Communion - - I also remind you that “since we understand that Christ is fully present in both the bread and/or wine, you may choose to refrain from receiving the wine until the flu season has passed.” If you choose to receive wine from chalice, science has shown that it is better to drink from the cup than to intinct.


Three Boys Baking update - A quick reminder that Three Boys Baking Bakery is using our kitchen on Monday mornings. They have dedicated space in the shelves in the kitchen for their supplies and cooking utensils. Please do not use or move these items. Thanks, Scott

A note to coffee hour hosts – cleanup is part of your coffee hour hospitality. Recently Doug and Ann have been left with lots of kitchen cleanup to do after everyone else has gone home for the day. These duties include washing and putting away the dishes, putting away the tables and chairs and sweeping the floor. Often our Overnight Shelter Guests are willing to help and pitch in with these duties. Thanks, Scott 

Name Buttons will be made morning of February 13th. If you would like a new name button, please let Paula Stevens or Holly Hall know by Monday, February 10th. 

 Thank you to Overnight Shelter Guest Ministries Teams – Thank you for the fantastic hospitality you all have been offering our shelter guests on Sunday Mornings. I have spoken to many of our guests and they are extremely grateful for our hospitality, warm and delicious breakfast and lunch foods. Thank you also to Jenny for her willingness to be the ‘bridge’ between our two communities. Jenny is helping identify places where improvement is needed, long term planning needs happen and is developing systems and protocols for the future of this ministry. Thank you all very much for ministry and caring, Scott 

Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinners

Who:  St. Paul’s Church commits to

What:  Provide dinner for 6-8 volunteer staff (entrée and side dishes OR soup, bread & salad OR a 1 dish meal: really whatever you might prepare at home!)

When:             On the 1st Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4pm,

Where:            To the Clinic in downtown White River Junction.

How:  Please sign up to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others! 

There will be a sign up-sheet posted in the Parish Hall.

Contact Pam Hanson with any questions:  603-558-1239 or

Listen Community Dinners – We are still looking for a coordinator for these dinners; the first is scheduled for March 16.  If no one steps in, we will need to tell the Listen coordinator we are no longer able to provide dinners. This has been an important ministry of the parish.


Food Shelf Needs at Upper Valley Haven:  Tuna, canned vegetables, canned fruit, soup, shelf-stable  milk, cream cheese and cheese.


Milk With Dignity is an effort to improve work and living conditions for dairy farm workers supported by UVIP, SURJ, Jewish Voice for Peace, and several other organizations.  Hannaford's grocery stores are being encouraged to join the effort.  Please come and help!

 Visibility events are being held near the West Lebanon Hannaford’s store.  

Week one of every month: UVIP: Every first Wednesday at 11am-12pm

Week two of every month: Rise! Upper Valley: Every second Tuesday 6-7pm 

Week Three of every month: Jewish Voice for Peace: Every third Sunday 1pm

Week four of every month: SURJ: Every last Saturday at 11:30am 


Caring Ministries - Caring Ministries is a group ministry made up of individuals interested in healing, prayer, and pastoral comfort. We meet 4-6 times a year in the Parish House to learn, share, and refresh our mission. Talk to Ger Williams (team leader), Scott Neal, or members you see offering healing prayer on Sundays for more information.

Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30. All are welcome!

+ + + + +

 Ongoing Reminders

·         Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.

·         Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.

·         Weekly Meeting – Tuesdays, 2:30 – 4 pm.

·         Valley Terrace Eucharist and Ministry is usually held the fourth Thursday of the month at 2:00 PM , but due to the holiday season the dates may change.  Come and join us for this special time with the residents of Valley Terrace.

·         Knit and Purl Fellowship - meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 in Parish House. Anyone who likes hand crafts are welcome to join in!

·         Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!

·         St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning at 11:45 in the Side Chapel in the Sanctuary. All are welcome to join us!

·         Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors three regularly scheduled events open to the public: 1) Vigils for Racial Justice, Monday 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn and Tuesday at 4 p.m. on the sidewalk across from City Hall, Lebanon.  The Wednesday WRJ vigil is suspended for the winter.  2)  "Difficult Conversations about Race" at the Howe Library. Usually 3rd Wednesday at noon - next one Dec. 18th. 3)  Meetings as announced, usually 4th Wednesday of the month.

AuthorSaint Pauls

The Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost– Proper 27

 The Collect

Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain


Readings from the Lectionary

 Haggai 1:15b-2:9
Psalm 145:1-5, 18-22
2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17
Luke 20:27-38

Scott’s Schedule     

November 11 – No Office Hours for Scott

                               Bible Study, 7 – 8:30 pm

     November 14 – Office Hours 9-12

     November 15 – Sabbath Day

     November 16 – Sabbath Day


Who’s Who at 10 AM
                              Verger – Doug Jenisch

      Greeter – Holly Hall

                              Host – Roy Black

                              Readers – Andrew Pillsbury, Barb Lather

                              Psalms and Prayers – Elizabeth Higgins

                              Chalice Bearers – Nancy Snyder, Joan Lawrence-Studebaker

                              Assisting Clergy – Stew Wood

                              Altar Candles – Louise Pietsch for Ashley Taylor

                              Nursery Care – Greg Taylor

                              Announcements – Virginia Umland

                              Coffee Hour  - ???

                              Counters – Bev Barton, Molly Castaldo

                              Altar Guild – Barb Coulter

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Doug Jenisch


St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22)

Upcoming Events

  Please send event and prayer updates to   


    November 9 – Holiday Bazaar

    November 10 – Birthday and Anniversary Blessings for October and November; CARJ Book discussion has been cancelled (see below)

    November 18 – Listen Community Dinner

    November 22 – St. Paul’s Movie Night

    November 24 – Breakfast Church


Prayer Requests

 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Shannon, Our newly-consecrated Bishop; Scott our Priest; St. James Church, Woodstock; The Episcopal Church in Province II: New York and New Jersey; Convocation of American Churches in Europe; Dioceses of Haiti and the Virgin Islands.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell; Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.

For those asking for our prayers:  Mike Fraga; Sarah; Terry; JoanNorma Hamel; Gloria Wheeler; Jay; Kenneth Petersen and family; Bill Petersen; Amy B.; Christine A.; Karen, a friend of Geri’s; Elani P. and family; Avery and family; Paul and Susan; Tom and Sheree; Joanna Taylor and family; The Larsen family; Susan Hatfield; Mary Corrigan; Amy;  Bambi;  Lois; Nancy; Richard Royce; David Tobin; Brenda; Rachel C., Aaron; Marge; Fred; Patsy; Kathryn; Jonathan; Isaac; Alex; Sheila; Suzi M. and family; LAMB family; Linda S.’s husband and two sons; Walt; Pam K;  Diane S.; Airton; Carole B; Carol Lane and family; Bob C.; Victoria Thomas; Lynn; Michael and Kate; Paige; John Strosnider; Janet Belding; Kathy Belding; Fred, Patsy, Marge; Edwin and Eduardo; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

For those who have died: Lois Miller; Jean; Rodney Throne; Tom Taylor; Fred and Maureen Larsen;

 Gerald McDermott; Sallie M., Linda S.

In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.


Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.

Calendar Events

 November 9 – Holiday Bazaar

November 10 – Birthday and Anniversary Blessings for October and November.

November 10 – St. Paul’s third Day of Remembrance

November 11 – Bible study, 7 – 8:30 pm. We’ll focus the following readings: Isaiah 65:17-25,
Canticle 9, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13, 
Luke 21:5-19. All are welcome, no prior experience needed!

November 18 – Our last Listen community dinner for 2019.

November 22 – St Paul’s Movie Night

November 24 - Breakfast Church celebrating our Pledge In-gather with a discussion about possible paths forward as a parish. This is an open conversation. NO decisions or plans for the future have been made, a couple of options have been presented in the past but not all possibilities are known at this time by any of us. We need to continue to discern where and how God is calling St. Paul's forward into the future. Please bring your ideas for the future to this worship and discussion morning. Scott and the Vestry


General Announcements

 Bazaar Lunch - We welcome volunteers to come 4 pm Friday, 8th, to  help make two soups and 4 pans of Apple Spice Cake. Thank you to Michael Townsend, Beth Neal, Greg Taylor, Holly Hall  and Barbara Rector for purchasing food and supplies for the luncheon. We also thank Kathy Detzer for making the listing of our priced menu.  We will serve tea, coffee and doughnuts 9:00-10:30 followed by lunch of North African Red Lentil Soup, Herbed Carrot Squash Soup, sliced Italian bread and Apple Spice Cake with Whip Cream.


St. Paul’s third Day of Remembrance will be Sunday, Nov. 10th, honoring Veteran’s Day on its 100th anniversary (101st observance!), beginning the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year at the end of WWI.  We remember all those who have served in the Armed Forces over the years, and reflect on the responsibilities that belong to all of us.

 Deep Change 2019 - Creative Action for Social Transformation is a two-day action event (November 8-9) for anyone looking for answers about how to respond to the ecological and social emergency we currently face. This Event is designed to produce creative elements that can be used in future social action. It includes: seven Workshop Tracks (of two 90-minute workshops each), plenty of time for networking, a power-packed Panel Discussion, three meals, and a Closing Celebration. Event attendees will be encouraged to perform the products of their workshops at the Closing. Parents needing childcare during the workshops can reserve spots for their children in the Harmony of the Hive Workshop. Sponsored by the Center for Transformational Practice in collaboration with community partners.

November 14 – 20th Anniversary of Baker vs. State of Vermont. This historic decision that led to the legalization of same-sex marriage, first in Vermont and then throughout much of the country.  A panel discussion will be held in Mack Hall Auditorium at Norwich University, in Northfield, Vermont from 1 to 3 pm. Open to the public.

St. Paul’s Movie Night – Friday, November 22nd.  “On Golden Pond” will be shown at 6:30 pm. Popcorn and beverages will be served.  All are welcome!

CARJ book discussion - The discussion on Ibram Kendi’s How to Be An Antiracist is postponed until after the New Year.  The book studies will resume in January, 2020.  Stay tuned for new selections.

Dismas House Wish List – Dining room chairs, dressers, porch furniture, pillows, pillow cases, flatware sets, blankets, new twin mattresses, camping items, games, hygiene items, men’s clothes.   Folks who have donations see Nancy Snyder at Church on Sunday or Email -   Thank you.

 Vestry Nominations – It’s that time of year again when we will be needing nominations for next year’s Vestry. Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting of the Parish on January 25. Nomination forms are available in the narthex if you’d like to submit your name or the name of someone else (please verify that they are willing) to serve on vestry. Please make your nominations as soon as possible by January 6, 2020. Thank you, Scott.

Listen Community Dinner – Our last 2019 Listen Community Dinner will be November 18th. Our menu will be Tuna Noodle Casserole and Apple Spice Cake for dessert.  Recipes will be posted near the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. We need cooks to make casseroles and cake and volunteers to help in the Listen Kitchen on 11/18, 3pm - 5:45.

Leadership Opportunities - I have been very engaged in organizing Listen Community Dinners and Prayer Ministry. Feeding and praying are significant in my life.  It is time for me to step down from both positions and welcome others to step in.  In December, I will step down from organizing Listen Community Dinners. I have already received dates to serve meals in 2020 and I will pass on that list of dates.  The first Listen Dinner in 2020 will be in March.  In February, I will step down as contact person for Prayer Ministry.  Holly Hall

Top 5 Food Shelf Needs at Upper Valley Haven: Our top 5 needs in the Food Shelf this week include tuna, soup, cereal, brown rice and green beans.

Black Lives Matter Vigil in White River Jct. - Black Lives Matter Vigil is held Wednesdays 5:30-6:00 at the street corner near Town Hall. If you have questions, contact Bruce Lather.

Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinners - St. Paul’s Church commits to provide dinner for 8-10 volunteer staff at the Clinic in downtown White River Junction on the 1st Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4:00 pm. Please sign up on the sheet in the parish hall to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others! Contact Pam Hanson if you have questions or need directions. Please note the change of day from 1st Tuesday to 1st Wednesday.

 Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)  - meets monthly for education and planning.  They also offer monthly Difficult Conversations about Race gatherings at Howe Library, and sponsor three weekly vigils.  All are open to everyone! Weekly Vigils, as of March 2018: Hanover: Mon 5:30-6 PM, Hanover Green Lebanon: Tues 5-5:30 PM, corner W. Park & S. Park Sts. at Colburn Park Meriden: Weds 5-5:30 PM, SW corner Rte 120 & Main St .

Caring Ministries - The meeting is for all those in Prayer Ministry, Healing Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Care and for anyone else who would like to be part of this important Ministry at St. Paul's.

Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30. All are welcome!

+ + + + +



Ongoing Reminders

·         Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.

·         Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.

·         Weekly Meeting – Tuesdays, 2:30 – 4 pm.

·         Valley Terrace Eucharist and Ministry is usually held the fourth Thursday of the month at 2:00 PM , but due to the holiday season the dates may change.  Come and join us for this special time                   with the residents of Valley Terrace.

·         Knit and Purl Fellowship - meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 in Parish House. Anyone who likes hand crafts are welcome to join in!

·         Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can                             discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!

·         St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning at 11:45 in the Side Chapel in the Sanctuary. All are welcome to join us!

·         Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.

AuthorSaint Pauls

Announcements for Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost– Proper 23

O God, you declare your almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity: Grant us the fullness of your grace, that we, running to obtain your promises, may become partakers of your heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain


Readings from the Lectionary

 Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7
Psalm 66:1-11
2 Timothy 2:8-15
Luke 17:11-19


Scott’s Schedule     

      October 14 – No Office Hours; Bible Study 7-8:30 PM

      October 15 - Weekly Council - 2:30 - 4 PM; Vestry Meeting 6:30-8:30 PM

     October 16 – Out of Town lunch meeting

     October 17 – Office Hours 9-12

     October 19 – David Munroe Committal – Randolph Veterans’ Cemetery

     October 20 – Sabbath Day

Who’s Who at 10 AM

                             Verger – Doug Jensich

      Greeter – Holly Hall

                              Host – Roy Black

                              Readers – Nancy Snyder, Stew Wood

                              Psalms and Prayers – Kristin Wood

                              Chalice Bearers – Leslie Black, Karen Smith

                              Assisting Clergy – Louise Pietsch

                              Nursery Care – Pam Hanson

                              Announcements – Bev Barton

                              Coffee Hour  - ???

                              Counters – Bev Barton, Harry Kendrick

                              Altar Guild – Bev and Greg Taylor

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Doug Jenisch

St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22

Upcoming Events

 Please send event and prayer updates to   


    October 13 – St. Paul’s Second Day of Remembrance

    October 15 – Vestry Meeting

    October 26 – Diocesan Convention

    October 27 – Micah Awards Ceremony

    November 9 – Holiday Bazaar

    November 10 – CARJ Book discussion

    November 18 – Listen Community Dinner


Prayer Requests

 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Shannon, Our newly-consecrated Bishop; Scott our Priest; St, Paul’s, Wells; The Church in Wales.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell; Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.

For those asking for our prayers: Amy B.; Christine A.; Karen, a friend of Geri’s;

Elani P. and family; Avery and family; Paul and Susan; Tom and Sheree; Joanna Taylor and family; The Larsen family; Susan Hatfield; Mary Corrigan; Amy;  Bambi;  Lois; Nancy; Richard Royce; David Tobin; Brenda; Rachel C., Aaron; Marge; Fred; Patsy; Kathryn; Jonathan; Isaac; Alex; Sheila; Suzi M. and family; LAMB family; Linda S.’s husband and two sons; Walt; Pam K;  Diane S.; Airton; Carole B; Carol Lane and family; Bob C.; Victoria Thomas; Lynn; Michael and Kate; Paige; John Strosnider; Janet Belding; Kathy Belding; Fred, Patsy, Marge; Edwin and Eduardo; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

 For those who have died: Jean; Rodney Throne; Tom Taylor;  Fred and Maureen Larsen;  Gerald McDermott; Sallie M., Linda S.

 In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.

 Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.


Calendar Events

 October 11 and 12 –Reflections and Memories – October 11th and 12th are Rememberance Days for Malcolm McFarlin, who was devoted active Parishioner who loved being on the water.On these two days, we can   remember Malcolm and our friends, relatives and pets, our loved ones,  who have died. Friday, October 11th, we will gather 12:15 at Grafton Pond in Enfield, forty-five minutes from Wilder. (You can get directions from Michael and Kate Townsend or from Holly Hall). Bring a lunch, water or a snack for yourself. Saturday, 12th, we will gather at Pompanoosuc, River, 13 min, (6.7 miles) north from Ledyard Bridge, off Rt 5. (Cross bridge, take first left, drive short distance take next left turn) We will gather at 11:30 and at 11:50, we will read a Prayer written by Fr. Scott followed by time for sharing stories and reflections about our loved ones. We will feel cycles of life's energy and will have fall leaves and sticks to toss on the water.  We can stay at water’s edge or canoe and kayak. Water sustains our lives at many levels and heals our hearts and minds. All are welcome!


October 11 –Sharing Our Stories at St. Barnabas –As part of their “Sharing Our Stories” series, St. Barnabas will host Lori Wick, Food Shelf Coordinator for the Upper Valley Haven. Beginning at 5:30, Lori will talk about her work and the needs of the food shelf, followed by a potluck supper.  All are welcome!

October 14 - Bible Study - 7 PM in the parish house. We will focus on the readings for September 29, Proper 24. The readings are Jeremiah 31:27-34,  2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, and Luke 18:1-8. These are stand alone Bible Studies and no prior attendance is necessary. We always welcome newcomers. All are welcome!


October 16 - "Bringing Our Values to the Public Square" - 7 pm at the Norwich Congregational Church. The 3rd annual lecture of our series featuring Dr. Juliet Schor, speaker. Her presentation is entitled "Seeds of Transformation: New Economies of Cooperation." Complete information can be found on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall.


Sunday, October 20 - Caring for Our Homeless Neighbors through the winter months - at 11:45.

We will have a planning meeting to prepare ourselves for our guests from the Haven’s Overnight Shelter. Please plan to attend if you are interested in being a part of this important ministry to our neighbors or to share your thoughts and concerns around this ministry. If you are unable to attend, but would like to be involved or have concerns, please contact, Geri Williams, or Scott at All are welcome!


October 27 - UNITED VALLEY INTERFAITH PROJECT (UVIP) – St. Paul’s Micah Honoree, Nancy Snyder, is being honored at our 8th Annual Micah Awards Ceremony on Sunday, October 27, 2019.  The event is being held at the Claremont Senior Center, Claremont, NH.  Fifteen churches, from the Upper Valley, are participating in this event, this, come and support your friends, your colleagues and our own special Honoree. Tickets are $25.00 each and beginning Sunday, September 29th, I will have a table set up in the parish hall for conversation and for the sale of tickets. Your UVIP Representative Sally


November 3 – All Saint’s Sunday


November 3 - United Thank Offering Ingathering


November 18 – Our last Listen community dinner for 2019.


General Announcements

 Vestry Nominations – It’s that time of year again when we will be needing nominations for next year’s Vestry. Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting of the Parish on January 25. Nomination forms are available in the narthex if you’d like to submit your name or the name of someone else (please verify that they are willing) to serve on vestry. Please make your nominations as soon as possible by January 6, 2020. Thank you, Scott.


All Saints’ Day Remembrance – forms “In Loving Memory of  ---“  back to the office by October 28. 


Micah Award Program Ad - We have placed an ad in the Micah Award Program again this year in support of our Micah hero, Nancy Snyder. For the last few years donations toward that ad have been invited from the congregation. If you’d like to contribute to this ad, please make your check payable to St. Paul’s with Micah Ad in the memo. Thank you, Scott

Listen Community Dinner - Our last 2019 dinner will be November 18th. Holly welcomes a volunteer to help plan the menu and help at Listen Kitchen November 18th, 3:00 to 5:45. A sign-up sheet with menu, food needed and volunteers needed to help on the 18th. Sign-up sheet will be posted on bulletin before end of October.


Holiday Bazaar Lunches -

Karen Smith has organized lunches of delicious soups and Gingerbread over many years. We sincerely thank Karen for her commitment and dedication to the Holiday Bazaar. This year, Karen will step down as organizer and Holly Hall will step up to work with three other people to plan a nourishing delicious lunch for everyone.  Holly is looking for three people who enjoy cooking, have energy, and are creatively enthusiastic.  If you have the time to team with Holly, please contact her this week. 


Button Names - It is time to make new Name Buttons for anyone who does not have one or  needs an upgrade.  November 3rd will be last   date to receive requests for name buttons. A sign-up sheet will be left on the Greeters Table for people to sign up for a new name buttons or an upgrade.  Please sign your name and a hobby you enjoy and we will find the icon.  If you want an upgrade on your name button, please do the same. We will make buttons next in the spring.


From the Outreach Committee: “Thank you for choosing the LAMB Institute for your generous donation. Every gift we receive is precious to us just as every child we care for is precious to us and to Jesus.”

2nd Day of Remembrance - St. Paul’s second Day of Remembrance will be Sunday, Oct. 13th, part of Vermont’s first observance of Indigenous Peoples Day.  We especially wish to be mindful of the Abenaki people who settled the area in which we live and worship, and who are still very much a part of our communities.   If any of St. Paul’s people have a special interest or connection with this observance and wish to share in the planning, please contact ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Amy Brown, Katy Chaffee or Diane Root. And a heads up that the third “Day of Remembrance” will be Veteran’s Day weekend.  Anyone wishing to share in the planning is encouraged to let us know of that as well.


Deep Change 2019 - Creative Action for Social Transformation is a two-day action event (November 8-9) for anyone looking for answers about how to respond to the ecological and social emergency we currently face. This Event is designed to produce creative elements that can be used in future social action. It includes: seven Workshop Tracks (of two 90-minute workshops each), plenty of time for networking, a power-packed Panel Discussion, three meals, and a Closing Celebration. Event attendees will be encouraged to perform the products of their workshops at the Closing. Parents needing childcare during the workshops can reserve spots for their children in the Harmony of the Hive Workshop. Sponsored by the Center for Transformational Practice in collaboration with community partners.

CARJ book discussion for October is cancelled. The next meeting is scheduled for November 10th. We’ll be reading How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi.

Hurricane Dorian Relief - Episcopal Relief & Development is working closely with dioceses in the path of Hurricane Dorian. You can help provide affected communities with immediate and long-term support. Please contribute to our Hurricane Relief Fund at

Top 5 Food Shelf Needs at Upper Valley Haven: Our top 5 needs in the Food Shelf this week include tuna, soup, cereal, brown rice and green beans. Other needs include: women's underwear in sizes M-XL, gloves and mittens for all.


Black Lives Matter Vigil in White River Jct. - Black Lives Matter Vigil is held Wednesdays 5:30-6:00 at the street corner near Town Hall. If you have questions, contact Bruce Lather.

Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinners - St. Paul’s Church commits to provide dinner for 8-10 volunteer staff at the Clinic in downtown White River Junction on the 1st Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4:00pm. Please sign up on the sheet in the parish hall to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others! Contact Pam Hanson if you have questions or need directions. Please note the change of day from 1st Tuesday to 1st Wednesday.


 Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)  - meets monthly for education and planning.  They also offer monthly Difficult Conversations about Race gatherings at Howe Library, and sponsor three weekly vigils.  All are open to everyone! Weekly Vigils, as of March 2018: Hanover: Mon 5:30-6 PM, Hanover Green Lebanon: Tues 5-5:30 PM, corner W. Park & S. Park Sts. at Colburn Park Meriden: Weds 5-5:30 PM, SW corner Rte 120 & Main St .


Caring Ministries - The meeting is for all those in Prayer Ministry, Healing Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Care and for anyone else who would like to be part of this important Ministry at St. Paul's.

Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30. All are welcome!


+ + + + +



Ongoing Reminders

·         Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.

·         Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.

·         Weekly Meeting – Tuesdays, 2:30 – 4 pm.

·         Valley Terrace Eucharist and Ministry is held the fourth Thursday of the month at 2:00 PM.  Our next visit is: Thursday, October 24th.  Come and join us for this special time with the residents of Valley Terrace.

·         Knit and Purl Fellowship - meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 in Parish House. Anyone who likes hand crafts are welcome to join in!

·         Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!

·         St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning at 11:45 in the Side Chapel in the Sanctuary. All are welcome to join us!

·         Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.


AuthorSaint Pauls

The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost– Proper 22

O God, you declare your almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity: Grant us the fullness of your grace, that we, running to obtain your promises, may become partakers of your heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain


Readings from the Lectionary

 Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15
Psalm 91:1-6, 14-16
1 Timothy 6:6-19
Luke 16:19-31

Sunday October 6 we celebrate St. Francis Sunday:  below are the special readings for Oct. 6

            Genesis 1:1 – 2:4

            Psalm 148

            Matthew 6:25 - 34


Scott’s Schedule     

     October 7- Office Hours 9-12; B

     October 8- Weekly Council - 2:30 - 4 PM

     October 9 - Office Hours 9-11

     October 11 – Sabbath Day

     October 12 – Sabbath Day


Who’s Who at 10 AM

                             Verger – Holly Hall

      Greeter – Cindy Cameron

                              Host – Davisons

                              Readers – Bev Barton, Peter Lapre

                              Psalms and Prayers – Karen Smith

                              Chalice Bearers – Leslie Black, Doug Jenisch

                              Assisting Clergy – Bambi Koeniger

                              Nursery Care – Michael Townsend

                              Announcements – Geri Williams

                              Coffee Hour – Bambi Koeniger

                              Counters –Pam Hanson, Judy Barwood

                              Altar Guild – Bev and Greg Taylor

                              Flowers – Judy, Jill and Cindy for Betsey and Jen Cameron

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Doug Jenisch


St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22

Upcoming Events

 Please send event and prayer updates to   

     October 5 – Going the Dismas 5K

    October 6 – Blessing of the Animals, St. Francis Sunday

                         Birthday Blessings, Discretionary Fund Ingathering

    October 7 – Knit and Purl Fellowship

    October 13 – St. Paul’s Second Day of Remembrance

    October 15 – Vestry Meeting

    October 26 – Diocesan Convention

    October 27 – Micah Awards Ceremony

    November 9 – Holiday Bazaar

    November 10 – CARJ Book discussion

    November 18 – Listen Community Dinner


Prayer Requests

 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Shannon, Our newly-consecrated Bishop; Scott our Priest; St. Dunstan’s Church, Waitsfield; The Episcopal Church, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, Presiding Bishop.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell; Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.

For the sick: _____

For those asking our prayers: Lois; Nancy; Richard Royce; David Tobin; Brenda; Rachel C., Aaron; Marge; Fred; Patsy; Kathryn; Jonathan; Isaac; Alex; Sheila; Suzi M. and family; LAMB family; Linda S.’s husband and two sons; Walt; Pam K;  Amy; Bambi; Diane S.; Airton; Carole B; Carol Lane and family; Bob C.; Ashley, Mason and family; Victoria Thomas; Lynn; Michael and Kate; Chris Collins; Diana Collins; Paige; John Strosnider; Janet Belding; Kathy Belding; Fred, Patsy, Marge; Mary Corrigan; Edwin and Eduardo; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

 For those who have died: Gerald McDermott; Sallie M., Linda S., Betsy Townsend.

 In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.

  Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.


Calendar Events

 October 6 - Blessing of the Animals: St. Francis Sunday - 8 and 10 AM during worship. In addition, St. Paul’s will do a public Blessing of the Animals at Lyman Park, next to the Town Hall at 4 PM. Please support this effort of public ministry is you are able.

 October 11 and 12 –Reflections and Memories – October 11th and 12th, Friday and Saturday, all are welcome to come to the shoreline or paddle on Grafton Pond  in memory of Malcolm McFarlin or in memory your loved ones and friends who have died. Malcolm, a long-time devoted Parishioner, loved kayaking which is why these two days on the water are in his memory. We will gather at Grafton Pond 11:30-11:45 at the shore or on the water in kayaks and Canoes and paddle as long as you want until 3:30. Pick either day that is best for you reflecting and remembering loved ones. This can also happen at other bodies of water.  Please contact Holly Hall if you have questions.

 October 11 –Sharing Our Stories at St. Barnabas –As part of their “Sharing Our Stories” series, St. Barnabas will host Lori Wick, Food Shelf Co-ordinator for the Upper Valley Haven. Beginning at 5:30, Lori will talk about her work and the needs of the food shelf, followed by a potluck supper.  All are welcome!

 October 16 - "Bringing Our Values to the Public Square" - 7 pm at the Norwich Congregational Church. The 3rd annual lecture of our series featuring Dr. Juliet Schor, speaker. Her presentation is entitled "Seeds of Transformation: New Economies of Cooperation." Complete information can be found on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall.

 Sunday, October 20 - Caring for Our Homeless Neighbors through the winter months - at 11:45.

We will have a planning meeting to prepare ourselves for our guests from the Haven’s Overnight Shelter. Please plan to attend if you are interested in being a part of this important ministry to our neighbors or to share your thoughts and concerns around this ministry. If you are unable to attend, but would like to be involved or have concerns, please contact, Geri Williams, or Scott at All are welcome!

 October 27 - UNITED VALLEY INTERFAITH PROJECT (UVIP) – St. Paul’s Micah Honoree, Nancy Snyder, is being honored at our 8th Annual Micah Awards Ceremony on Sunday, October 27, 2019.  The event is being held at the Claremont Senior Center, Claremont, NH.  Fifteen churches, from the Upper Valley, are participating in this event, this, come and support your friends, your colleagues and our own special Honoree. Tickets are $25.00 each and beginning Sunday, September 29th, I will have a table set up in the parish hall for conversation and for the sale of tickets. Your UVIP Representative Sally

 November 18 – Our last Listen community dinner for 2019.


General Announcements

 From UVIP: The National Poor People's Campaign is coming to New Hampshire on Friday, October 11 as part of the nationwide "We Must Do MORE Tour!" Here MORE stands for "Mobilize, Organize, Register and Educate." Revs. William Barber and Liz Theoharis and the national PPC team will be in New Hampshire on October 11 for two events in Concord and Nashua.

There are details for the events forming the We Must Do MORE events in October. Get details and more with these links:

·  RSVP for the PRE-TRIAL RALLY (October 11, 11:45am)

·  RSVP for the MASS MEETING (October 11, 5:30pm)

OCT. 11, 11:45AM EST - Concord District Court, 32 Clinton Street, Concord, N.H.: Organizers in the NH Poor People’s Campaign will host a rally outside the Court, highlighting these facts and hearing the testimony of the six Poor People’s Campaign moral witnesses standing trial for their arrest over one year ago for their efforts to make legislators “stop and listen” to the truth about poverty in the Granite State. RSVP for the PRE-TRIAL RALLY (October 11, 11:45am)

OCT. 11, 5:30PM EST – Greeley Park, Nashua, N.H.: Organizers in the NH Poor People’s Campaign will host a march and mass meeting featuring the testimonies of directly impacted people, clergy, and community leaders shining a light on the systemic injustices of our time. Together we are rising to mobilize, organize, register people for the movement that votes and educate one another and the public of the real issues facing poor people and the solutions we propose to these issues. Location: First Baptist Church, 121 Manchester Street, Nashua, NH 03062. RSVP for the MASS MEETING (October 11, 5:30pm


 2nd Day of Remembrance - St. Paul’s second Day of Remembrance will be Sunday, Oct. 13th, part of Vermont’s first observance of Indigenous Peoples Day.  We especially wish to be mindful of the Abenaki people who settled the area in which we live and worship, and who are still very much a part of our communities.   If any of St. Paul’s people have a special interest or connection with this observance and wish to share in the planning, please contact ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Amy Brown, Katy Chaffee or Diane Root. And a heads up that the third “Day of Remembrance” will be Veteran’s Day weekend.  Anyone wishing to share in the planning is encouraged to let us know of that as well.

 Deep Change 2019 - Creative Action for Social Transformation is a two-day action event (November 8-9) for anyone looking for answers about how to respond to the ecological and social emergency we currently face. This Event is designed to produce creative elements that can be used in future social action. It includes: seven Workshop Tracks (of two 90-minute workshops each), plenty of time for networking, a power-packed Panel Discussion, three meals, and a Closing Celebration. Event attendees will be encouraged to perform the products of their workshops at the Closing. Parents needing childcare during the workshops can reserve spots for their children in the Harmony of the Hive Workshop. Sponsored by the Center for Transformational Practice in collaboration with community partners.

 CARJ book discussion for October is cancelled. The next meeting is scheduled for November 10th. We’ll be reading How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi.

Hurricane Dorian Relief - Episcopal Relief & Development is working closely with dioceses in the path of Hurricane Dorian. You can help provide affected communities with immediate and long-term support. Please contribute to our Hurricane Relief Fund at

Top 5 Food Shelf Needs at Upper Valley Haven: Our Top 5 Food Shelf Needs this week are tuna, macaroni and cheese, black beans, kidney beans and cereal. Other needs include toiletries and hand warmers.

Going the Dismas 5K – A Race for Reconciliation.  Proceeds to benefit Hartford Dismas House, October 5 at Dothan Brook School, 2300 Christian Street, WRJ.  Entry fee: $20. Register at

Black Lives Matter Vigil in White River Jct. - Black Lives Matter Vigil is held Wednesdays 5:30-6:00 at the street corner near Town Hall. If you have questions, contact Bruce Lather.

Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinners - St. Paul’s Church commits to provide dinner for 8-10 volunteer staff at the Clinic in downtown White River Junction on the 1st Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4:00pm. Please sign up on the sheet in the parish hall to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others! Contact Pam Hanson if you have questions or need directions. Please note the change of day from 1st Tuesday to 1st Wednesday.

 Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)  - meets monthly for education and planning.  They also offer monthly Difficult Conversations about Race gatherings at Howe Library, and sponsor three weekly vigils.  All are open to everyone! Weekly Vigils, as of March 2018: Hanover: Mon 5:30-6 PM, Hanover Green Lebanon: Tues 5-5:30 PM, corner W. Park & S. Park Sts. at Colburn Park Meriden: Weds 5-5:30 PM, SW corner Rte 120 & Main St .

Caring Ministries - The meeting is for all those in Prayer Ministry, Healing Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Care and for anyone else who would like to be part of this important Ministry at St. Paul's.

Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30. All are welcome!

+ + + + +

 Ongoing Reminders

·         Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.

·         Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.

·         Weekly Meeting – Tuesdays, 2:30 – 4 pm.

·         Valley Terrace Eucharist and Ministry is held the fourth Thursday of the month at 2:00 PM.  Our next visit is: Thursday, October 24th.  Come and join us for this special time with the residents of Valley Terrace.

·         Knit and Purl Fellowship - meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 in Parish House. Anyone who likes hand crafts are welcome to join in!

·         Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!

·         St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning at 11:45 in the Side Chapel in the Sanctuary. All are welcome to join us!

·         Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.

AuthorSaint Pauls

The First Sunday after Pentecost– Pentecost 1

Trinity Sunday

Almighty and everlasting God, you have given to us your servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the power of your divine Majesty to worship the Unity: Keep us steadfast in this faith and worship, and bring us at last to see you in your one and eternal glory, O Father; who with the Son and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain


Readings from the Lectionary


Scott’s Schedule     

  June 17 – Office Hours, 9 – 12

June 18  – Wisdom Council, 2:30 – 4

June 19 – Vacation

June 20 – Vacation

June 21 – Vacation

June 22 – Vacation

Who’s Who at 10 AM  - June 16

                              Verger – Bev Barton

      Greeter – Holly Hall

                              Host – Roy Black

                              Readers – Karen Smith, Tom McCleary

                              Psalms and Prayers – Judi Shank

                              Chalice Bearers – Nancy Snyder, Joan Lawrence-Studebaker

                              Assisting Clergy – Diane Root

                              Nursery Care – Beth Neal

                              Announcements – Andrew Pillsbury

                              Coffee Hour – Ann Churchill

                              Counters – Rich Kremer, Nancy Snyder

                              Altar Guild – Bev and Greg Taylor

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Nancy Snyder, Doug Jenisch


 St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22)


Upcoming Events

 Please send event and prayer updates to   


     June 14 – Personal Mission Discovery (Fridays through August 30; see below); 7 – 8:30 in the Parish                      House

                     St. Paul’s Movie Night

     June 17 – Knit and Purl Fellowship

     June 19 - 29 – Scott on vacation

     June 26 – SURJ Community Meeting

     July 14 – CARJ Book Discussion

     July 15 – Listen Community Dinner


Prayer Requests

 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas our bishop, and Rob his NH colleague; Shannon, Bishop Elect; Scott our Priest; St. Mark’s Church, Newport; The Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion).

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell; Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.

For the sick: _____

For those asking our prayers: Sheila; Chelsea; Dawn Williams; Suzi M. and family; LAMB family; Linda S.’s husband and two sons; The family of Paul Roche; Gloria; Walt; Pam K;  Amy; Bambi; Diane S.; Airton; Carole B; Carol Lane and family; Bob C.; Ashley, Mason and family; Victoria Thomas; Lynn; Michael and Kate; Steve Burke and family; Chris Collins; Diana Collins; Paige; John Strosnider; Janet Belding; Kathy Belding; Fred, Patsy, Marge; Mary Corrigan; Edwin and Eduardo; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

 For those who have died: Sallie M., Linda S., Paul Roche; Betsy Townsend.

 In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.

 Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.


Calendar Events

 June 14 -  St. Paul’s Movie Night, Friday, 6:30 p.m.“Cast Away” (2000), starring Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt, and Nick Searcy.  2.5 hours

June 14 - Personal Mission Discovery (and continuing Fridays for 12 weeks through August 30; see fuller description below in General Announcements).

 June 17 – Knit and Purl Fellowship will meet 6:30 – 8:30 in the Parish House.  All are welcome!

 Bishop Search Process details - Complete details can and will be found in The Mountain or on the Bishop Search Website:  

 June 29 - Farewell Party for Bishop Ely - at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Brattleboro. Evensong at 5:30 PM followed by reception 6-8 PM.

 September 28 - Consecration of the 11th Bishop of Vermont - Ira Allen Chapel on the UVM campus, Burlington. Reception to follow in the Grand Maple Ballroom of the Davis Campus Center.


General Announcements

 TEST DRIVES AVAILABLE-Summer Lawn Care - There is a need for volunteers to take on the task of mowing the lawn on the Church property. This takes approximately 2 hours per week using the riding mower and the push mower for trimming. Test drives are available! If you are able to help with this there is a sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall on the bulletin board. Please feel free to contact Greg Taylor 603-667-1464

 Listen Community Dinner - Our next dinner will be July 15th. Menu will be Three Summer Salads with popsicles for dessert. Holly needs one other Parishioner to plan the menu and help bring food to Listen kitchen.  Four Volunteers will be needed 3:00-5:45 at Listen Kitchen July 15th.  Sign-up sheet will be posted in Parish Hall last week of June. Thank you for your help.

 Name Buttons - We have five Parishioners who asked for name buttons. Is there anyone else who would like a St. Paul's name button?  If yes, please contact Paula or Holly by now through noon Sunday, June 16th.  Next time name buttons will be made will be in October.


Personal Mission Discovery is a twelve-week process that I have developed to help people discover the unique contribution God is empowering them to make in the world today.  I call it a “process” rather than a “program” or a “course” because it is not designed to give you preconceived answers or just convey information, but to help you to develop the kind of relationship with God through which Divine love and guidance become more clear, direct, and personal.  This process will unfold as we focus on three key questions: 1) Who am I?2) Who are THEYand 3) Who are WE? 

 These three questions are all central to any form of ministry that we might carry out as people of faith.  We will spend four weeks exploring each question.  The first week will introduce the theme.  The second week will explore how we think about the theme.  The third week will explore how we feel about the theme.  And on the fourth week, we will explore how we want toexpress that theme in our lives.  In other words, we will explore these questions not only with our Heads, but also with ourHearts and our Hands - how we think, feel and act as Jesus’ disciples.  We will explore some of the unique (and sometimes hidden) gifts God has given us for ministry, as well as some of the resistance that keeps us from using them more effectively. This twelve-week experience is open to anyone who is seeking a deeper connection to God and to those with whom we share God’s Creation.  Sessions will meet at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Parish House beginning on Friday, June 14, 7:00 - 8:30 pm.  Those wishing to participate are asked to register in advance by  contacting me at or by phone at 802-369-9961.  (Registration is essential in order to ensure that enough materials will be available for everyone planning to attend.)  A free-will offering will be taken at the initial session to offset the costs of materials and leadership.  I look forward to hearing from you. Duane R. Brown


UVIP Newletter – with June action dates is posted on the UVIP bulletin board.

 CARJ Book Discussion Group Continues!  Just in time for your summer reading.  At our July 14 meeting we’ll talk about the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winning THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD by Colson Whitehead.  And on September 8, we’ll discuss the powerful New York Times bestseller, JUST MERCY: A STORY OF JUSTICE AND REDEMPTION by Bryan Stevenson.  We hope you’ll join us.

 Black Lives Matter Vigil in White River Jct. - Black Lives Matter Vigil is held Wednesdays 5:30-6:00 at the street corner near Town Hall. If you have questions, contact Bruce Lather.

Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinners - St. Paul’s Church commits to provide dinner for 8-10 volunteer staff at the Clinic in downtown White River Junction on the 1st Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4:00pm. Please sign up on the sheet in the parish hall to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others! Contact Pam Hanson if you have questions or need directions. Please note the change of day from 1st Tuesday to 1st Wednesday, at least for the winter.

Top Five Needs at the Haven - Soups, Cereal/oatmeal, Black beans, Canned Tuna/chicken, Pasta.

Wish List:  shampoo, Women’s feminine care products, soap, toothpaste.

  Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)  - meets monthly for education and planning.  They also offer monthly Difficult Conversations about Race gatherings at Howe Library, and sponsor three weekly vigils.  All are open to everyone! Weekly Vigils, as of March 2018: Hanover: Mon 5:30-6 PM, Hanover Green Lebanon: Tues 5-5:30 PM, corner W. Park & S. Park Sts. at Colburn Park Meriden: Weds 5-5:30 PM, SW corner Rte 120 & Main St .

Caring Ministries - The meeting is for all those in Prayer Ministry, Healing Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Care and for anyone else who would like to be part of this important Ministry at St. Paul's.

Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30. All are welcome!

+ + + + +


Ongoing Reminders

·         Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.

·         Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.

·         Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! – The second Monday of the month at 2 PM.

·         Knit and Purl Fellowship - meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 in Parish House. Anyone who likes hand crafts are welcome to join in!

·         Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!

·         St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning at 11:45 in parish house. All are welcome to join us!

·         Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.

AuthorSaint Pauls

The Fifth Sunday in Lent– Lent 5

A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain

Almighty God, you alone can bring into order the unruly wills and affections of sinners: Grant your people grace to love what you command and desire what you promise; that, among the swift and varied changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Readings from the Lectionary for the Fifth  Sunday in Lent

Scott’s Schedule

 April 8 – Office  Hours, 9-12; Valley Terrace 2-3 pm; Bible Study 7 –  8:30 pm          

 April 9 – Wisdom  Council - 2:30-4 PM, Caring Ministries – 7 – 8:30 pm

 April 10 – Office Hours, 9 – 12

 April 11 – Day-long Retreat

 April 12 – Sabbath  Day  

 April 13 – Sabbath Day


Who’s Who at 10 AM                        

                             Verger – Doug Jenisch

      Greeter – TBA

                              Host – Holly Hall

                              Readers – Cindy Cameron, Rich Kremer

                              Psalms and Prayers – Nancy Snyder

                              Chalice Bearers – Karen Smith, Pam Hanson

                              Assisting Clergy – Bambi Koeniger

                              Nursery Care – Michael Townsend

                              Announcements – Andrew Pillsbury

                              Coffee Hour – Doug Jenisch and friends

                              Counters – Harry Kendrick, Nancy Snyder

                              Altar Guild – Judi Shank and Barb Coulter

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Nancy Snyder, Doug Jenisch


St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22)


Upcoming Events

 Please send event and prayer updates to                                      

        April 6 – Toward Racial Healing

     April 7 – Discretionary Ingathering and March Birthday and Anniversary Blessings

     April 7 – Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent

     April 9 – Caring Ministries, 7 pm at the Parish House

     April 13 – Altar Guild Meeting

     April 14 - Palm/Passion Sunday

     April 14 – Hartford Dismas House 5th Anniversary Celebration 

     April 14-20 - Holy Week

     April 21 - Easter Sunday

     April 28 – UVIP 10th Anniversary Celebration

     April 28-30 - Bishop Candidates’ Walkabouts

     May 4 – Understanding Power Dynamics, Session 2 – Concerned About Racial Justice

      May 5 - Parish Quarterly Meeting

     May 18 – Special Convention for the Election of the 11th Bishop

     June 1 – Bargain Bin


Prayer Requests

 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas our bishop, and Rob his NH colleague; Shannon, Hillary and Hilary our finalists for 11th Bishop of Vermont; Scott our Priest. St. James’ Church, Essex Junction; The Church of Ireland.


For us as a people, that we may uproot all forms of violence, discrimination and injustice, especially those based in racism, religious intolerance, gender and sexual bias and promote mutual understanding and trust. For our community partners who serve neighbors in need, and for the United Nations and all who work for peace.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell; Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror,

      that their hearts may be turned to peace.

For the sick: _____

For those asking our prayers: Lyle Favreau’s family; Gloria; Walt; Pam K;  Amy; Bambi; Diane S.; Airton; Carole B; Carol Lane and family; Bob C.; Ashley, Mason and family; Victoria Thomas; Lynn; Michael and Kate; Steve Burke and family; Chris Collins; Diana Collins; Paige; John Strosnider; Janet Belding; Kathy Belding; Fred, Patsy, Marge; Mary Corrigan; Edwin and Eduardo; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

For those who have died: Betsy Townsend; Merrilee Burke; Lyle Favreau; Edward Lane.

 In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace. 

Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.

Calendar Events

 April 6 – The first session of the Toward Racial Healing workshop (see general announcements, below).  Please note that registration for this first session is now full; if you are still interested in attending you will be placed on a waiting list.

 April 7 - Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent - This week will focus on the tile BLESS. These are standalone sessions, so no prior sessions are required to attend. We will gather in the Parish House at approximately 11:45. All are welcome!

 April 8 - Bible Study - 7:00 PM in the Parish House. This week we will focus on the readings for Sunday, April 14. The readings are: Isaiah 50:4-9aPhilippians 2:5-11, and  Luke 23:1-49.  These are standalone sessions - no prior experience is required to attend. All are welcome!

 April 13 – Altar Guild Meeting and preparation for Holy Week, 9:30 am in the Parish Hall.

 April 14 – Hartford Dismas House 5th Anniversary Celebration at the Hilton Garden Inn, Lebanon, from 5 – 8 pm.  The featured speaker will be William Moyers, who will share his life changing story of addiction, giving hope to the community.  William, the son of Bill Moyers, the Press Secretary for President Johnson, is the author of Broken, a compelling story of his addiction, recovery and redemption. Dinner, music, and silent auction are included. Parishioners are invited to attend and to purchase a ticket online for $75.  (


April 15 – 21 – Holy Week:


Monday, April 15, 7:00PM

 Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist

Tuesday, April 16 7:00PM

Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, April 17, 7:00PM

Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist


Maundy Thursday, April 18, 7:00PM

Foot Washing, Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist, Stripping of the Altar

The Watch at the Altar of Repose, 8:30PM-9AM


Good Friday, April 19, 7:00PM

Mass of the Pre-Sanctified


Saturday, April 20

Holy Saturday Liturgy, 9:00 AM

The Great Vigil of Easter, 8:00 PM


Easter Sunday, April 21

8:00 AM  Rite One (quiet and contemplative)

10:00 AM  Rite Two (with piano and choral music)

 April 28 – Sunday afternoon from 3:00 - 5:00 pm. UVIP 10th anniversary birthday party at St. Paul's Church. Guest Speaker:  Willem Lange.

May 12 - Untied Thank Offering (UTO) Ingathering. - please remember your ‘blue boxes’ for UTO. Checks may be made out to St. Paul’s with UTO in the memo line. The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, individuals are invited to embrace and deepen a personal daily spiritual discipline of gratitude. UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for those blessings and make an offering for each blessing using a UTO Blue Box. UTO is entrusted to receive the offerings, and to distribute the 100% of what is collected to support innovative mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion. More information is available at

Bishop Search Process details - Complete details can and will be found in The Mountain or on the Bishop Search Website:   You can meet the candidates by going directly to

April 28-30 - Bishop Candidates’ Walkabouts - This is a great opportunity to meet the candidates in person and ask them questions.

            Complete Info at   you-can-meet-the-nominees-for-the-eleventh-bishop-of-vermont/


     Sunday, April 28 - Springfield (5:30-8:30 PM)

     Monday, April 29 - Manchester (9:30 AM -12:30 PM)

     Monday, April 29 - Burlington (5:30-8:30 PM)

                 Tuesday, April 30 - Newport (5:30-8:30 PM)

 May 18 - Special Electing Convention to elect the 11th Bishop of Vermont - The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington. Seating for guest is very limited but will be broadcast live.

 June 2 - Farewell Party for Bishop Ely - at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington. Evensong at 5:30 PM followed by reception 6-8 PM.

 June 29 - Farewell Party for Bishop Ely - at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Brattleboro. Evensong at 5:30 PM followed by reception 6-8 PM.

 September 28 - Consecration of the 11th Bishop of Vermont - Ira Allen Chapel on the UVM campus, Burlington. Reception to follow in the Grand Maple Ballroom of the Davis Campus Center.


General Announcements


Holy Listening – We’ve just learned that someone did not receive a call during Advent. Please let Scott or one of the Vestry know if you were not called and would like to have this conversation.  We apologize for any oversight!

 From the Upper Valley Haven:  The Outreach Committee shares this note of thanks from the Haven: “First, let me say thank you for your recent donation of 180 pounds of food to support the Food Shelf. We thank you for giving the gift of hope.  Through food, shelter programs, education and problem solving, the Upper Valley Haven offers the promise of possibility to those in need.”

  The Concerned About Racial Justice Group is relaunching our popular book discussion series.  Our next book will be Michelle Obama's memoir, BECOMING, which we'll discuss in May (date to be determined.). 

 Black Lives Matter Vigil in White River Jct. - Black Lives Matter Vigil is held Wednesdays 5:30-6:00 at the street corner near Town Hall. If you have questions, contact Bruce Lather.

 Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinners - St. Paul’s Church commits to provide dinner for 8-10 volunteer staff at the Clinic in downtown White River Junction on the 1st Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4:00pm. Please sign up on the sheet in the parish hall to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others! Contact Pam Hanson if you have questions or need directions. Please note the change of day from 1st Tuesday to 1st Wednesday, at least for the winter.

Top Five Needs at the Haven – peanut butter, rice, black beans, oatmeal, and tuna. Other Needs: shampoo, shaving cream, razors, deodorant, facial tissues (Kleenex).

  Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)  - meets monthly for education and planning.  They also offer monthly Difficult Conversations about Race gatherings at Howe Library, and sponsor three weekly vigils.  All are open to everyone! Weekly Vigils, as of March 2018: Hanover: Mon 5:30-6 PM, Hanover Green Lebanon: Tues 5-5:30 PM, corner W. Park & S. Park Sts. at Colburn Park Meriden: Weds 5-5:30 PM, SW corner Rte 120 & Main St .

 Caring Ministries - The meeting is for all those in Prayer Ministry, Healing Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Care and for anyone else who would like to be part of this important Ministry at St. Paul's.

Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30. All are welcome!

Silent Prayer and Meditation – On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, St. Paul's Sanctuary is open 5:30 to 6:30pm. Come to pray and meditate part of the hour or the whole hour. All are welcome!

AuthorSaint Pauls

The Fifth Sunday in Lent– Lent 5

A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain

Almighty God, you alone can bring into order the unruly wills and affections of sinners: Grant your people grace to love what you command and desire what you promise; that, among the swift and varied changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be fixed where true joys are to be found; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Readings from the Lectionary for the Fifth  Sunday in Lent

Scott’s Schedule

 April 8 – Office  Hours, 9-12; Valley Terrace 2-3 pm; Bible Study 7 –  8:30 pm          

 April 9 – Wisdom  Council - 2:30-4 PM, Caring Ministries – 7 – 8:30 pm

 April 10 – Office Hours, 9 – 12

 April 11 – Day-long Retreat

 April 12 – Sabbath  Day  

 April 13 – Sabbath Day


Who’s Who at 10 AM                        

                             Verger – Doug Jenisch

      Greeter – TBA

                              Host – Holly Hall

                              Readers – Cindy Cameron, Rich Kremer

                              Psalms and Prayers – Nancy Snyder

                              Chalice Bearers – Karen Smith, Pam Hanson

                              Assisting Clergy – Bambi Koeniger

                              Nursery Care – Michael Townsend

                              Announcements – Andrew Pillsbury

                              Coffee Hour – Doug Jenisch and friends

                              Counters – Harry Kendrick, Nancy Snyder

                              Altar Guild – Judi Shank and Barb Coulter

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Nancy Snyder, Doug Jenisch


St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22)


Upcoming Events -  

Please send event and prayer updates to                                      

      April 6 – Toward Racial Healing

     April 7 – Discretionary Ingathering and March Birthday and Anniversary Blessings

     April 7 – Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent

     April 9 – Caring Ministries, 7 pm at the Parish House

     April 13 – Altar Guild Meeting

     April 14 - Palm/Passion Sunday

     April 14 – Hartford Dismas House 5th Anniversary Celebration 

     April 14-20 - Holy Week

     April 21 - Easter Sunday

     April 28 – UVIP 10th Anniversary Celebration

     April 28-30 - Bishop Candidates’ Walkabouts

     May 4 – Understanding Power Dynamics, Session 2 – Concerned About Racial Justice

      May 5 - Parish Quarterly Meeting

     May 18 – Special Convention for the Election of the 11th Bishop

     June 1 – Bargain Bin


Prayer Requests

 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas our bishop, and Rob his NH colleague; Shannon, Hillary and Hilary our finalists for 11th Bishop of Vermont; Scott our Priest. St. James’ Church, Essex Junction; The Church of Ireland.


For us as a people, that we may uproot all forms of violence, discrimination and injustice, especially those based in racism, religious intolerance, gender and sexual bias and promote mutual understanding and trust. For our community partners who serve neighbors in need, and for the United Nations and all who work for peace.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell; Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror,

      that their hearts may be turned to peace.

For the sick: _____

For those asking our prayers: Lyle Favreau’s family; Gloria; Walt; Pam K;  Amy; Bambi; Diane S.; Airton; Carole B; Carol Lane and family; Bob C.; Ashley, Mason and family; Victoria Thomas; Lynn; Michael and Kate; Steve Burke and family; Chris Collins; Diana Collins; Paige; John Strosnider; Janet Belding; Kathy Belding; Fred, Patsy, Marge; Mary Corrigan; Edwin and Eduardo; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

For those who have died: Betsy Townsend; Merrilee Burke; Lyle Favreau; Edward Lane.

 In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.

 Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.

Calendar Events

 April 6 – The first session of the Toward Racial Healing workshop (see general announcements, below).  Please note that registration for this first session is now full; if you are still interested in attending you will be placed on a waiting list.

 April 7 - Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent - This week will focus on the tile BLESS. These are standalone sessions, so no prior sessions are required to attend. We will gather in the Parish House at approximately 11:45. All are welcome!

 April 8 - Bible Study - 7:00 PM in the Parish House. This week we will focus on the readings for Sunday, April 14. The readings are: Isaiah 50:4-9aPhilippians 2:5-11, and  Luke 23:1-49.  These are standalone sessions - no prior experience is required to attend. All are welcome!

 April 13 – Altar Guild Meeting and preparation for Holy Week, 9:30 am in the Parish Hall.

 April 14 – Hartford Dismas House 5th Anniversary Celebration at the Hilton Garden Inn, Lebanon, from 5 – 8 pm.  The featured speaker will be William Moyers, who will share his life changing story of addiction, giving hope to the community.  William, the son of Bill Moyers, the Press Secretary for President Johnson, is the author of Broken, a compelling story of his addiction, recovery and redemption. Dinner, music, and silent auction are included. Parishioners are invited to attend and to purchase a ticket online for $75.  (


April 15 – 21 – Holy Week:


 Monday, April 15, 7:00PM

 Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist

Tuesday, April 16 7:00PM

Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist

Wednesday, April 17, 7:00PM

Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist

 Maundy Thursday, April 18, 7:00PM

Foot Washing, Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist, Stripping of the Altar

The Watch at the Altar of Repose, 8:30PM-9AM


Good Friday, April 19, 7:00PM

Mass of the Pre-Sanctified

Saturday, April 20

Holy Saturday Liturgy, 9:00 AM

The Great Vigil of Easter, 8:00 PM

 Easter Sunday, April 21

8:00 AM  Rite One (quiet and contemplative)

10:00 AM  Rite Two (with piano and choral music)


April 28 – Sunday afternoon from 3:00 - 5:00 pm. UVIP 10th anniversary birthday party at St. Paul's Church. Guest Speaker:  Willem Lange.

May 12 - Untied Thank Offering (UTO) Ingathering. - please remember your ‘blue boxes’ for UTO. Checks may be made out to St. Paul’s with UTO in the memo line. The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of The Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. Through UTO, individuals are invited to embrace and deepen a personal daily spiritual discipline of gratitude. UTO encourages people to notice the good things that happen each day, give thanks to God for those blessings and make an offering for each blessing using a UTO Blue Box. UTO is entrusted to receive the offerings, and to distribute the 100% of what is collected to support innovative mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion. More information is available at

Bishop Search Process details - Complete details can and will be found in The Mountain or on the Bishop Search Website:   You can meet the candidates by going directly to


April 28-30 - Bishop Candidates’ Walkabouts - This is a great opportunity to meet the candidates in person and ask them questions.

            Complete Info at   you-can-meet-the-nominees-for-the-eleventh-bishop-of-vermont/


     Sunday, April 28 - Springfield (5:30-8:30 PM)

     Monday, April 29 - Manchester (9:30 AM -12:30 PM)

     Monday, April 29 - Burlington (5:30-8:30 PM)

                 Tuesday, April 30 - Newport (5:30-8:30 PM)

 May 18 - Special Electing Convention to elect the 11th Bishop of Vermont - The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington. Seating for guest is very limited but will be broadcast live.

 June 2 - Farewell Party for Bishop Ely - at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington. Evensong at 5:30 PM followed by reception 6-8 PM.

 June 29 - Farewell Party for Bishop Ely - at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Brattleboro. Evensong at 5:30 PM followed by reception 6-8 PM.

 September 28 - Consecration of the 11th Bishop of Vermont - Ira Allen Chapel on the UVM campus, Burlington. Reception to follow in the Grand Maple Ballroom of the Davis Campus Center.


General Announcements

 Holy Listening – We’ve just learned that someone did not receive a call during Advent. Please let Scott or one of the Vestry know if you were not called and would like to have this conversation.  We apologize for any oversight!

 From the Upper Valley Haven:  The Outreach Committee shares this note of thanks from the Haven: “First, let me say thank you for your recent donation of 180 pounds of food to support the Food Shelf. We thank you for giving the gift of hope.  Through food, shelter programs, education and problem solving, the Upper Valley Haven offers the promise of possibility to those in need.”

 Life Transformed: The Way of the Cross in Lent - Adult formation for Lent. - 11:30 -12:30 Sunday in the Parish House. March 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14, and May 5. The journey through Lent into Easter is a journey with Jesus. We are baptized into his life, self-giving, and death; then, we rise in hope to life transformed. This Lent, we are invited to walk with Jesus in his Way of Love and into the experience of transformed life. Together, we will reflect anew on the loving actions of God as recounted in the Easter Vigil readings. Together, we will walk through the depths of salvation history into the fullness of redemption. This set of seven Adult Forums ties the Easter Vigil readings to the seven practices of the Way of Love. All are welcome!

 The Concerned About Racial Justice Group is relaunching our popular book discussion series.  Our next book will be Michelle Obama's memoir, BECOMING, which we'll discuss in May (date to be determined.). 

 Black Lives Matter Vigil in White River Jct. - Black Lives Matter Vigil is held Wednesdays 5:30-6:00 at the street corner near Town Hall. If you have questions, contact Bruce Lather.

 Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinners - St. Paul’s Church commits to provide dinner for 8-10 volunteer staff at the Clinic in downtown White River Junction on the 1st Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4:00pm. Please sign up on the sheet in the parish hall to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others! Contact Pam Hanson if you have questions or need directions. Please note the change of day from 1st Tuesday to 1st Wednesday, at least for the winter.

Top Five Needs at the Haven – peanut butter, rice, black beans, oatmeal, and tuna. Other Needs: shampoo, shaving cream, razors, deodorant, facial tissues (Kleenex).

  Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)  - meets monthly for education and planning.  They also offer monthly Difficult Conversations about Race gatherings at Howe Library, and sponsor three weekly vigils.  All are open to everyone! Weekly Vigils, as of March 2018: Hanover: Mon 5:30-6 PM, Hanover Green Lebanon: Tues 5-5:30 PM, corner W. Park & S. Park Sts. at Colburn Park Meriden: Weds 5-5:30 PM, SW corner Rte 120 & Main St .

 Caring Ministries - The meeting is for all those in Prayer Ministry, Healing Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Care and for anyone else who would like to be part of this important Ministry at St. Paul's.

Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30. All are welcome!

Silent Prayer and Meditation – On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, St. Paul's Sanctuary is open 5:30 to 6:30pm. Come to pray and meditate part of the hour or the whole hour. All are welcome!

AuthorSaint Pauls

The Fourth Sunday in Lent– Lent 4

A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain

Gracious Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ came down from heaven to be the true bread which gives life to the world: Evermore give us this bread, that he may live in us, and we in him; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Readings from the Lectionary for the Fourth Sunday in Lent


Scott’s Schedule

 April 1 – Office  Hours, 9-12

 April 2 – Wisdom  Council - 2:30-4 PM; Vestry Meeting – 6:30 – 8:30

 April 4 – Office Hours, 9 - 12

 April 5 – Sabbath  Day  

 April 6 – Sabbath Day


 Who’s Who at 10 AM                        

                              Verger – Holly Hall

      Greeter – Cindy Cameron

                              Host – Davisons

                              Readers – Doug Jenisch, Judi Shank

                              Psalms and Prayers – Judi Shank

                              Chalice Bearers – Leslie Black, Doug Jenisch

                              Assisting Clergy – Stew Wood

                              Nursery Care – Greg Taylor

                              Announcements – Molly Castaldo

                              Coffee Hour – Elizabeth Higgins

                              Counters – Pam Hanson, Bev Barton

                              Altar Guild – St. Paul’s Altar Guild

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Nancy Snyder, Doug Jenisch


St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22)


Upcoming Events

 Please send event and prayer updates to                                      


     March 30 – Pysanky: Ukranian Easter Eggs

     April 6 – Toward Racial Healing

     April 14 - Palm/Passion Sunday

     April 14 – Hartford Dismas House 5th Anniversary Celebration 

     April 14-20 - Holy Week

     April 21 - Easter Sunday

     April 28 – UVIP 10th Anniversary Celebration

     April 28-30 - Bishop Candidates’ Walkabouts

      May 5 - Parish Quarterly Meeting


Prayer Requests

  For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas our bishop, and Rob his NH colleague; Scott our Priest and Diana our Deacon. St. Matthew’s Church, Enosburg Falls; The Church of the Province of the Indian Ocean.

 FOR THE NATION AND WORLD For us as a people, that we may uproot all forms of violence, discrimination and injustice, especially those based in racism, religious intolerance, gender and sexual bias and promote mutual understanding and trust. For our community partners who serve neighbors in need, and for the United Nations and all who work for peace.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Cody O’Dell; Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.


For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror, that their hearts may be turned to peace.


For the sick: _____

For those asking our prayers: Lyle Favreau’s family; Gloria; Walt; Pam K;  Amy; Bambi; Diane S.; Airton; Carole B; Carol Lane and family; Bob C.; Ashley, Mason and family; Victoria Thomas; Lynn; Michael and Kate; Steve Burke and family; Chris Collins; Diana Collins; Paige; John Strosnider; Janet Belding; Kathy Belding; Fred, Patsy, Marge; Mary Corrigan; Edwin and Eduardo; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

 For those who have died: Betsy Townsend; Merrilee Burke; Lyle Favreau; Edward Lane.

 In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.

  Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.


Calendar Events

 March 30 – Pysanky: Ukranian Easter Eggs  A workshop for making pysanky – wax-resist dyed eggs – will be offered2:00pm-4:30pm Saturday March 30th in the Parish HALL. Please RSVP to Pam Hanson so that we can purchase enough eggs. No experience is necessary, and you don’t need to bring anything.  However, wear older clothes in case of any spills or splatters. Children over the age of 8 may attend if an adult accompanies them to assist them (lit candles are used). A small donation to cover the cost of materials would be appreciated.


April 6 – The first session of the Toward Racial Healing workshop (see general announcements, below).  Please note that registration for this first session is now full; if you are still interested in attending you will be placed on a waiting list.


April 14 – Hartford Dismas House 5th Anniversary Celebration at the Hilton Garden Inn, Lebanon, from 5 – 8 pm.  The featured speaker will be William Moyers, who will share his life changing story of addiction, giving hope to the community.  William, the son of Bill Moyers, the Press Secretary for President Johnson, is the author of Broken, a compelling story of his addiction, recovery and redemption. Dinner, music, and silent auction are included. Parishioners are invited to attend and to purchase a ticket online for $75.  ( Outreach Committee will partner with anyone who wishes to attend and is willing to pay $25. per ticket.  Outreach will pay the remaining $50.  See Nancy Snyder for these tickets.


April 28 – Sunday afternoon from  3:00 - 5:00 pm. UVIP 10th anniversary birthday party at St. Paul's Church. Guest Speaker:  Willem Lange.

Bishop Search Process details - Complete details can and will be found in The Mountain or on the Bishop Search Website:   You can meet the candidates by going directly to


April 28-30 - Bishop Candidates’ Walkabouts - This is a great opportunity to meet the candidates in person and ask them questions.

      Sunday, April 28 - Springfield (evening event)

     Monday, April 29 - Manchester (afternoon event)

     Monday, April 29 - Burlington (evening event)

     Tuesday, April 30 - Newport (evening event)


May 18 - Special Electing Convention to elect the 11th Bishop of Vermont - The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington. Seating for guest is very limited but will be broadcast live.


June 2 - Farewell Party for Bishop Ely - at The Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington. Evensong at 5:30 PM followed by reception 6-8 PM.


June 29 - Farewell Party for Bishop Ely - at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, Brattleboro. Evensong at 5:30 PM followed by reception 6-8 PM.


September 28 - Consecration of the 11th Bishop of Vermont - Ira Allen Chapel on the UVM campus, Burlington. Reception to follow in the Grand Maple Ballroom of the Davis Campus Center.

 General Announcements

 Holy Listening – We’ve just learned that someone did not receive a call during Advent. Please let Scott or one of the Vestry know if you were not called and would like to have this conversation.  We apologize for any oversight!

 From the Upper Valley Haven:  The Outreach Committee shares this note of thanks from the Haven: “First, let me say thank you for your recent donation of 180 pounds of food to support the Food Shelf. We thank you for giving the gift of hope.  Through food, shelter programs, education and problem solving, the Upper Valley Haven offers the promise of possibility to those in need.”

 Life Transformed: The Way of the Cross in Lent - Adult formation for Lent. - 11:30 -12:30 Sunday in the Parish House. March 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14, and May 5. The journey through Lent into Easter is a journey with Jesus. We are baptized into his life, self-giving, and death; then, we rise in hope to life transformed. This Lent, we are invited to walk with Jesus in his Way of Love and into the experience of transformed life. Together, we will reflect anew on the loving actions of God as recounted in the Easter Vigil readings. Together, we will walk through the depths of salvation history into the fullness of redemption. This set of seven Adult Forums ties the Easter Vigil readings to the seven practices of the Way of Love. All are welcome!

 The Concerned About Racial Justice Group (CARJ) – St. Paul’s Concerned About Racial Justice Group (CARJ) is hosting a two-session workshop titled TOWARD RACIAL HEALING.  The sessions are cosponsored by SURJ and UVIP and funded by a generous grant from the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont, as well as financial backing from St. Paul’s and UVIP.  The sessions will be held from 10 AM to 12 Noon on April 6thand May 4that the Kilton Library in Lebanon.  

 The purpose of this workshop is to gain a better understanding of our actions in the national and local context of diversity awareness and inclusive practice. Participants will engage in interactive exercises about identity, culture, and difference that will raise sensitivity to implicit bias, mico-aggressions and other behaviors that reduce credibility and impact community members.   

 The sessions are linked so the greatest benefit will be gained from attending both, though it’s not required.  The workshop is free of charge to anyone high school age and older.  Registration is recommended because but the number of participants is limited and spaces are filling up fast. 


Session One:(April 6). Discovering Your Best Self,:   

Session Two:(May 4) Understanding Power Dynamics,:

Registration can also be accessed through the Events section of St. Paul's Facebook page.

OR CALL the church office at (802) 295-5415

 For questions, email concernedaboutracialjustice@gmail.comor ask one of the members of CARJ



The Concerned About Racial Justice Group is relaunching our popular book discussion series.  Our next book will be Michelle Obama's memoir, BECOMING, which we'll discuss in May (date to be determined.). 


Black Lives Matter Vigil in White River Jct. - Black Lives Matter Vigil is held Wednesdays 5:30-6:00 at the street corner near Town Hall. If you have questions, contact Bruce Lather.

 Greeters- We need three more Greeters to help with rotation of Greeters throughout a month. Greeters arrive close to 9:30 Sunday morning and welcome anyone coming through the door. If you have time to help with this ministry, please be in touch with Scott or Holly

 Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinners - St. Paul’s Church commits to provide dinner for 8-10 volunteer staff at the Clinic in downtown White River Junction on the 1st Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4:00pm. Please sign up on the sheet in the parish hall to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others! Contact Pam Hanson if you have questions or need directions. Please note the change of day from 1st Tuesday to 1st Wednesday, at least for the winter.

Top Five Needs at the Haven – peanut butter, rice, black beans, oatmeal, and tuna. Other Needs: shampoo, shaving cream, razors, deodorant, facial tissues (Kleenex).

 Rides to Church - We have  three Parishioners  giving rides and we are looking for  three more volunteers to help with rides. If you are interested in  this ministry, please contact our church office.

  Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)  - meets monthly for education and planning.  They also offer monthly Difficult Conversations about Race gatherings at Howe Library, and sponsor three weekly vigils.  All are open to everyone! Weekly Vigils, as of March 2018: Hanover: Mon 5:30-6 PM, Hanover Green Lebanon: Tues 5-5:30 PM, corner W. Park & S. Park Sts. at Colburn Park Meriden: Weds 5-5:30 PM, SW corner Rte 120 & Main St .

 Caring Ministries - The meeting is for all those in Prayer Ministry, Healing Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Care and for anyone else who would like to be part of this important Ministry at St. Paul's.

Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30. All are welcome!

Silent Prayer and Meditation – On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, St. Paul's Sanctuary is open 5:30 to 6:30pm. Come to pray and meditate part of the hour or the whole hour. All are welcome!

+ + + + +

 Ongoing Reminders

·         Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.

·         Wisdom Council Meeting – every Tuesday 2:30-4:00pm -- Everyone is welcome to attend.

·         Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.

·         Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! – The second Monday of the month at 2 PM.

·         Knit and Purl Fellowship - meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 in Parish Hall. Anyone who likes hand crafts are welcome to join in!

·         Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!

·         St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning at 11:45 in parish house. All are welcome to join us!

·         Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.

AuthorSaint Pauls

The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany– Epiphany 5

 A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain


Set us free, O God, from the bondage of our sins, and give us the liberty of that abundant life which you have made known to us in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Readings from the Lectionary for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Scott’s Schedule

 February 11 - Office Hours 9-12; Valley Terrace Service, 2 pm; Bible                         

                        Study, 7 – 8:30 pm.

 February 12 – Doctors’ appointments (all day)

 February 13 - Wisdom Council 3:30-5 PM

 February 14 - Office Hours 9-12

 February 15 - Sabbath Day; Vestry Retreat beginning 4:30

 February 16 - Vestry Retreat


Who’s Who at 10 AM   

                              Verger – Doug Jenisch

      Greeter – TBA

                              Host –Holly Hall

                              Readers – Nancy Snyder, Peter Lapré

                              Psalms and Prayers – Kristen Wood

                              Chalice Bearers – Leslie Black, Doug Jenisch

                              Assisting Clergy – Diane Root

                              Nursery Care – Pam Hanson

                              Announcements – Molly Castaldo

                              Coffee Hour – Ray Miner, Peter Lapré

                              Counters – Bev Barton, Harry Kendrick

                              Altar Guild – Barb Coulter

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Nancy Snyder, Doug Jenisch


       St. Paul’s Vestry: Bev Barton (’21), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’22), Junior Warden; Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Dick Davis (’21); Geri Williams (’21); Holly Hall (’22)  and Virginia Umland (’22)


Upcoming Events

 Please send event and prayer updates to                                      

    February 8 - Movie Night

    February 9 - Diocesan Council in the Parish Hall until 3

    February 10 - Bishop’s Visitation

   February 14-15 - Vestry Retreat - Mission Farm

   February 18 - Presidents’ Day – Scott will not have office hours but Jenny will be in the office, 9 – 4.

    March 18 – Listen Community Dinner



Prayer Requests

  For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas our bishop, and Rob his NH colleague; Scott our Priest and Diana our Deacon. Christ Church, Bethel; The Anglican Church of Canada.


For us as a people, that we may uproot all forms of violence, discrimination and injustice, especially those based in racism, religious intolerance, gender and sexual bias and promote mutual understanding and trust. For our community partners who serve neighbors in need, and for the United Nations and all who work for peace.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

 For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror,

      that their hearts may be turned to peace.

 For the sick: _____

For those asking our prayers:  Victoria Thomas; Lynn; Perry; Bayard; Clare; Paige; Sam; Michael Townsend; a woman with breast cancer; Jim S. and Merrellee B; Chris Collins; Diana Collins; Paige; Kate Conner; John Strosnider; Janet Belding; Kathy Belding; Fred, Patsy, Marge, Diana; Mary Corrigan; Edwin and Eduardo; Betsy Townsend; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

 For those who have died:

 In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.

 Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.


Calendar Events

February 8 – Movie Night - 7pm, Friday night at the Parish Hall. We decided we will show the movie, Contact, w/ Jodie Foster a 1997 science fiction drama.

February 8 - Separated Migrant Families talk at St. Barnabas Episcopal - On Friday evening, February 8, we will focus on the “Rights of Children” at our community potluck at St. Barnabas.  Our speaker is Peter Holman, a local attorney with the law firm of Ropes & Gray, who advocates for families that have been separated at the border of Mexico and Texas. The evening will stimulate captivating conversation about his advocacy for immigrant children seeking legal status.  Peter’s work was the subject of a Valley News article this past summer. Come join us and share spiritual energy and support for this quiet, kind father. This special event of St. Barnabas is presented in collaboration with the Arts ala Carte program—a series for parents and art families of the Children’s Art Studio in Norwich. Peter is the father of a young artist at the Studio. He will be introduced by Lani Carney, of the Children’s Art Studio. We’ll gather for this “Sharing our Stories” potluck at 5:30 in the Parish Hall behind the church; after the talk we will share our meal. All are welcome. St. Barnabas is located at 262 Main Street, Norwich.  (802) 649-1923

The talk will be from 5:30 – 6:30. You can still make the movie night is you don’t stay for the potluck.


February 10 – Bishop Ely will be making his final visit to us.  Please join with us to share in this special time.

 February 11 – Church service at Valley Terrace, 2 pm, and every 2nd Monday of the month.

 February 11 - Bible Study -  readings Jeremiah 17:5-101 Corinthians 15:12-20, and

                               Luke 6:17-26

 February 15 and 16 – Vestry Retreat at Mission Farm, Killington, VT.

March 18 – Listen Community Dinner


General Announcements

Greeters- We need three more Greeters to help with rotation of Greeters throughout a month. Greeters arrive close to 9:30 Sunday morning and welcome anyone coming through the door. If you have time to help with this ministry, please be in touch with Scott or Holly

 Good Neighbor Health Clinic Dinners - St. Paul’s Church commits to provide dinner for 8-10 volunteer staff at the Clinic in downtown White River Junction on the 1st  Wednesday of each month, delivered by 4:00 pm. Please sign up on the sheet in the parish hall to provide a meal, either on your own, or as a team with others! Contact Pam Hanson if you have questions or need directions. Please note the change of day from 1st Tuesday to 1st Wednesday, at least for the winter.

Top Five Needs at the Haven – Soup, Cereal, Beans (Black, red, or white), Canned tomatoes, Canned tuna/chicken. Other Needs: shampoo, shaving cream, razors, deodorant, facial tissues (Kleenex).

 John and Tabitha Monfette- John would like to attend 10:00 service twice a month and he has asked for someone to be with Tabitha 9:30 to 12:00 while he is away.  We are looking for 4-5 volunteers    who could help  John and Tabitha  any two Sundays   January- May.   If you can help, please contact Holly for more information. 

Rides to Services - Anyone available to help with rides? We have three drivers and we need three more people to volunteer. 

  Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)  - meets monthly for education and planning.  They also offer monthly Difficult Conversations about Race gatherings at Howe Library, and sponsor three weekly vigils.  All are open to everyone! Weekly Vigils, as of March 2018: Hanover: Mon 5:30-6 PM, Hanover Green Lebanon: Tues 5-5:30 PM, corner W. Park & S. Park Sts. at Colburn Park Meriden: Weds 5-5:30 PM, SW corner Rte 120 & Main St .

 Listen Community Dinners- Our first meal in 2019 is March 18th. Holly needs someone to team with her and plan a menu which needs to be submitted by next week. We will need help cooking the main course and the dessert as well as four volunteers to help in Listen Kitchen March 18th, 3pm-5:45. A sign-up sheet will be posted on Parish Hall Bulletin Board by 2/17. St. Paul's 2019 Listen Community Dinners are on five Mondays:March 18th; May 20th; July 15th; September 16th and November 18th.

Caring Ministries - The meeting is for all those in Prayer Ministry, Healing Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Care and for anyone else who would like to be part of this important Ministry at St. Paul's.

Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30.  All are welcome!

Silent Prayer and Meditation – On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, St. Paul's Sanctuary is open 5:30 to 6:30pm. Come to pray and meditate part of the hour or the whole hour. All are welcome!

+ + + + +


 Ongoing Reminders

·         Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.

·         Executive Group Meeting – every Wednesday 3:30-5:00pm -- Everyone is welcome to attend.

·         Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.

·         Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! – The second Monday of the month at 2 PM.

·         Knit and Purl Fellowship - meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 in Parish Hall. Anyone who likes hand crafts are welcome to join in!

·         Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!

·         St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning at 11:45 in parish house. All are welcome to join us!

·         Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.

AuthorSaint Pauls

Announcements for Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Third Sunday after the Epiphany– Epiphany 3


Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

A link to the Diocesan Newsletter:

The Mountain


Readings from the Lectionary

  Scott’s Schedule  

    January 28 - Dental Appointment 9-11 AM; BDNC 2-5 PM; Bible                                                     Study 7-8:30 PM

     January 29 - BDNC 10-12 AM

     January 30 - Wisdom Council 3:30-5 PM

     January 31 - Office Hours 9-12

     February 1 - Sabbath Day

     February 2 - BDNC 9-12  




Who’s Who at 10 AM 


                            Verger – Doug Jenisch

    Greeter – Holly Hall

                              Host – Stew Wood

                              Readers – Carol Lane, Dave Davison

                              Psalms and Prayers – Bev Barton

                              Chalice Bearers – Doug Jenisch, Karen Smith

                              Assisting Clergy – Weezie Pietsch

                              Nursery Care – Pam Hanson

                              Announcements – Greg Taylor

                              Coffee Hour – TBA

                              Counters – Andrew Pillsbury, Nancy Snyder

                              Altar Guild – Barb Coulter

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Nancy Snyder, Doug Jenisch





St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson (’19), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’19), Junior Warden; Holly Hall (’19); Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Bev Barton (’21); Dick Davis (’21) and Geri Williams (’21).


Upcoming Events


Please send event and prayer updates to                                      


                        January 26 – Annual Meeting and Potluck

                        February 5 – Caring Ministries Meeting

                        February 10 – Bishop’s Visit                                           

                        February 15-16 - Vestry Retreat


Prayer Requests


 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas our bishop, and Rob his NH colleague; Scott our Priest and Diana our Deacon. Immanuel Church, Bellows Falls; Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil.


For us as a people, that we may uproot all forms of violence, discrimination and injustice, especially those based in racism, religious intolerance, gender and sexual bias and promote mutual understanding and trust. For our community partners who serve neighbors in need, and for the United Nations and all who work for peace.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.


For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror,

      that their hearts may be turned to peace.


For the sick: _____

For those asking our prayers: a woman with breast cancer; Jim S. and Merrellee B; Chris Collins; Diana Collins; Paige; Nora, Eli, and baby;  Kate Conner; John Strosnider; Janet Belding; Kathy Belding; Fred, Patsy, Marge, Alex and Isaac White and families; Diana; Mary Corrigan; Edwin and Eduardo; Betsy Townsend; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.


For those who have died: Billy Jennings; Andrew Black; Joan Bomhower.


In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.


Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.



Just a reminder about the Noise in the Narthex before  Worship - the talking in the narthex is distracting for those in the sanctuary praying and preparing themselves for worship. It is also distracting during the prelude. In an effort to reduce the noise level we have moved the greeter station to the end of the hall in the Narthex. If you are planning on chatting with fellow members of the congregation before worship, please do so in the Parish Hall. Thank you, Scott


Calendar Events


Month of January- To Support UVIPIf you shop the Co-op Food Stores (Hanover, Lebanon, WRJ), here is an easy, easy way to support the United Valley Interfaith Project (UVIP). We applied and were granted 10% of the Pennies for Change donations at the Co-op Foods Stores for the month of January, 2019. When you check out, simply round your bill up to the next whole dollar amount. It has never been easier to support the United Valley Interfaith Project!  (Upper Valley Food Co-op also collects Pennies for Change, and the round-up program has different titles in different venues; for example, Dan and Whit’s also donates rounded up change for worthy causes)


January 26 – Annual Meeting of the parish with potluck dinner at 5:30, meeting to follow.


January 27 - Honoring MLK - please join the Dartmouth Community for the 2018 Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Multifaith Celebration on Sunday, January 27th, 2019 at 3:00pm in Rollins Chapel.  Kevin Young, Director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, poetry editor of The New Yorker, author and literary critic.  The service will also include prayers, readings, and offerings by the Dartmouth Gospel Choir and other student artists and musicians.


February 5 – Caring Ministries Meeting, 7 pm in the Parish House. The meeting includes all members of Healing Prayers, Prayers, and Pastoral Ministry. If you would like to be part of any of these ministries, please join us at the meeting.


February 10 – Bishop Ely will be making his final visit to us.  If anyone is interested in reception or confirmation at this time, please let Scott know as soon as possible.


March 18 – Listen Community Dinner


General Announcements


Top Five Needs at the Haven – Soup, Cereal, Beans (Black, red, or white), Canned tomatoes, Canned tuna/chicken.



Virginia Umland’s address for cards post-surgery is:  PO Box 957, Wilder, VT   05088.


John and Tabitha Monfette- John would like to attend 10:00 service twice a month and he has asked for someone to be with Tabitha 9:30 to 12:00 while he is away.  We are looking for 4-5 volunteers    who could help  John and Tabitha  any two Sundays   January- May.   If you can help, please contact Holly for more information. 


Rides to Services - Anyone available to help with rides? We have three drivers and we need three more people to volunteer. 


St. Paul’s Mission Study and Prayer Groups – These two groups are being formed as a result of our September 23rd Quarterly meeting of the parish. If you are interested in being a part of one of these groups or would like more information regarding these groups, please contact a Vestry member.



 Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)  - meets monthly for education and planning.  They also offer monthly Difficult Conversations about Race gatherings at Howe Library, and sponsor three weekly vigils.  All are open to everyone! Weekly Vigils, as of March 2018: Hanover: Mon 5:30-6 PM, Hanover Green Lebanon: Tues 5-5:30 PM, corner W. Park & S. Park Sts. at Colburn Park Meriden: Weds 5-5:30 PM, SW corner Rte 120 & Main St .




Listen Community Dinners- St. Paul's 2019 Listen Community Dinners are on five Mondays:

March 18th; May 20th; July 15th; September 16th and November 18th. If anyone or a family would like to plan and organize a meal for one of these dates, please let Holly know by January 26th, at our annual meeting. The menu for March 18th will be emailed to Listen by the end of February and will be posted on their electronic March Meal calendar. Holly is looking for four people to help plan the meal and help in the kitchen on Monday, March 18th, 3:00pm-5:45pm. If you can help, please let Holly know. 

Thank you.


Caring Ministries - our next meeting will be February 5th, 7pm at Parish House. The meeting is for all those in Prayer Ministry, Healing Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Care and for anyone else who would like to be part of this important Ministry at St. Paul's.

Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30.  All are welcome!
Silent Prayer and Meditation – On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, St. Paul's Sanctuary is open 5:30 to 6:30pm. Come to pray and meditate part of the hour or the whole hour. All are welcome!


+ + + + +



Ongoing Reminders

·         Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.

·         Executive Group Meeting – every Wednesday 3:30-5:00pm -- Everyone is welcome to attend.

·         Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.

·         Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! – The second Monday of the month at 2 PM.

·         Knit and Purl Fellowship - meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 in Parish Hall. Anyone who likes hand crafts are welcome to join in!

·         Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!

·         St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning at 11:45 in parish house. All are welcome to join us!

·         Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.

Announcements for Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost – Proper 23B


Lord, we pray that your grace may always precede and follow us, that we may continually be given to good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.




            Job 23:1-9, 16-17
            Psalm 22:1-15
            Hebrews 4:12-16
            Mark 10:17-31


Scott’s Schedule

October 15 –office hours, 9 – 12

October 16 – Office Hours, 9 – 12; Vestry Meeting, 6:30 – 8:30 pm

October 17 – Executive Group Meeting, 3:30 – 5 pm.

October 19 – Sabbath Day

October 20 – Sabbath Day; Committal Service beyond the parish



Who’s Who at 10 AM   


                              Verger – Doug Jenisch

      Greeter – Holly Hall

                              Host – Stew Wood

                              Readers – Carol Lane, Stew Wood

                              Psalms and Prayers –Nancy Snyder

                              Chalice Bearers – Pam Hanson, Nancy Snyder

                              Assisting Clergy – Stew Wood

                              Nursery Care – Kate Townsend

                              Announcements –Andrew Pillsbury

                              Coffee Hour – Dick and Jane Davis

                              Counters – Molly Castaldo, Pete Lapré

                              Altar Guild – Barbara Coulter

                              Acolytes –Kathryn Brennan, Doug Jenisch


Altar Flowers and Candles are given today by Mary Corrigan to the glory of God and to honor Phoebe and Margaret Corrigan.



St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson (’19), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’19), Junior Warden; Holly Hall (’19); Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Bev Barton (’21); Dick Davis (’21) and Geri Williams (’21).


Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to


                       October 14 - book discussion of Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

                       October 14 – AED Training

                       October 15 – Knit and Purl Fellowship

                       October 16 – Vestry Meeting

                       October 17 – Contemplative Prayer

                       October 21 – Outreach Committee Meeting

                       October 26 & 27 – Diocesan Convention

                       October 28 – A Celebration of Life for Sylvia French

                       October 28 – Micah Event, Claremont Senior Center

                       November 3 – Holiday Bazaar

                       November 19 – Listen Community Dinner (the last one for 2018).


Prayer Requests

 For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas our bishop, and Rob his NH colleague; Scott our Priest and Diana our Deacon; St. Paul’s Church, Wells; The Church in Wales.



For us as a people, that we may uproot all forms of violence, discrimination and injustice, especially those based in racism, religious intolerance, gender and sexual bias and promote mutual understanding and trust. For our community partners who serve neighbors in need, and for the United Nations and all who work for peace.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.


For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror,

      that their hearts may be turned to peace.


For the sick: _____

For those asking our prayers: Kate Conner; Marge Burke; John Strosnider; Mary Davis; Joan Bomhower; Pam and Carl Hanson and family; Janet Belding; Kathy Belding; Mary Davis and her daughter; Muriel Fish; Fred, Patsy, Marge, Alex and Isaac White and families; Diana; Joyce and her family; Eric, Amy and their new born baby; Lincoln Thomas; EJ; Joan; Mary Corrigan; Isaac and Carrol; Jay Burzak;  Jim Sires;; Edwin and Eduardo; Betsy Townsend; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.


For those who have died: Donald Burke; Robert Roy Skinner; Sylvia French; Lynn Taylor; Glenda Perkins.

In thanksgiving: For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.


Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.




Calendar Events


Church Calendar – The church calendar on our website is regularly updated. If you need additional information about when the church facilities are being used, please check the calendar.


October 14 - Concerned about Racial Justice Book discussion of Homegoing: A Novel by Yaa Gysai


October 14 – AED Training - St. Paul's Church has a new AED in the Parish Hall. October 14th, at 12:30, there will be a 20 to 45 min. training to use the AED with Hartford Fire Department. Up to 15 people are welcome to the training.  If more people are interested, another training will be scheduled. 


October 21 – Outreach Committee Meeting – 11:30 AM – after worship in the parish house. Grab a cup of coffee and treat and head on up to the parish house.  All are welcome!


October 28 -  A Celebration of Life for Sylvia French, Pam Hanson’s Mom, will be held at 1:30pm on Sunday October 28th in St. Paul’s Church. All are welcome to attend.


October 28 - Micah Celebration - Many thanks to Parishioners who contributed  and paid for the Micah ad in  full and for purchasing seventeen tickets. There are three tickets left to sell. If anyone would still like to buy a ticket and attend and the Micah Celebration October 28th at the Claremont Senior Center, please contact Holly Hall. Tickets we do not sell will be given to another Parish.


November 3 – Holiday BazaarUPDATE - The membership of the Leadership Team for the Holiday Bazaar for 2018 include: Ashley Dimanbro, Beverly Barton, Anne Jenisch, Kathy Detzer, Joan Lawrence, Kate Townsend and Geri Williams. Penny McClure is coordinating the organizing and pricing of items in the basement, so speak to her if you have an hour or two to help.


Jill Devins and Candy Cote have joined the Leadership Team – Thank you! Karen Smith has once again volunteered to lead the delicious luncheon team. Volunteers needed for slicing and dicing on Friday, November 2nd, at 4 pm. Volunteers also needed for Saturday morning and lunch time.
The Holiday Bazaar will be November 3, 9am-2pm.


Please start saving bags and newspapers. The sorting and pricing is moving along well.

Save the Dates:
Sunday, October 28, Moving and Muscle Day, moving items from church basement to parish hall
Wednesday,-Friday, October 31, November 1,2- Set up and prep days at parish hall
Friday, November 2, 4 pm, Kitchen prep for luncheon
Saturday, November 3, The Big Day!

Watch for new developments, each week.  The Bazaar Leadership Team will meet on the following Wednesdays: September 26, October 3, October 17, October 24 at 6:30-8:30pm in the church library.




General Announcements


UVIP on a Just and Livable Wage – Both Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament call for workers to be paid both justly and promptly.  Given what it costs to live in the Upper Valley the Federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour is a poverty wage, and yet this applies in New Hampshire, which does not set a minimum.  UVIP and its partners are again asking people of faith to call on legislators to change this and establish a just wage for all our workers.  If you are live in New Hampshire, a petition will be available for signing on the UVIP bulletin board.  Thank you!


St. Paul’s Mission Study and Prayer Groups – These two groups are being formed as a result of our September 23rd Quarterly meeting of the parish. If you are interested in being a part of one of these groups or would like more information regarding these groups, please contact a Vestry member.


Listen Community Dinner - Our last 2018 dinner will be  November 19th. Our 2019   Listen Community Dinners  dates will be posted in December or early January.


Submitting Reimbursements - In order to simplify the work of our Treasurer, whose work is greatly appreciated:

When a parishioner is entitled to a reimbursement for the purchase of a product or service resulting from a St. Paul's activity or event, the parishioner MUST submit the receipt(s) with a COMPLETED ST. PAUL'S PAYMENT VOUCHER to a VESTRY member, NOT to Scott our rector.  The vestry member will check for completeness, sign the form, and transmit it to the church office for processing by the Treasurer.  St. Paul's PAYMENT VOUCHERS can be found in the parish hall on top of the piano or in the church office. Thank you, the Vestry and the Treasurer.


Concerned About Racial Justice Fall Reading List  - St. Paul’s Concerned About Racial Justice Group is hosting a Sunday book discussion group this fall.  Each month we’ll read and discuss a different book.  Each discussion will start at 11:45 AM in the Parish Hall and will last about 45 minutes.  Please join us for these interesting conversations.  The scheduled books are:


October 14 – Homegoing: A Novel by Yaa Gyasi. (A powerful, best-selling novel tracing generations of a family through two continents and 300 years of history.)        

November 11 – Mindful of Race: Transforming Racism from the Inside Out by Ruth King  (A compassionate, practical look at ways to grow our inner capacity to face racial issues with a wise and caring heart).

December 9 – Americanah: A Novel by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (The story of two Nigerian immigrants facing questions of race and belonging.)


 Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ)  - meets monthly for education and planning.  They also offer monthly Difficult Conversations about Race gatherings at Howe Library, and sponsor three weekly vigils.  All are open to everyone! Weekly Vigils, as of March 2018: Hanover: Mon 5:30-6 PM, Hanover Green Lebanon: Tues 5-5:30 PM, corner W. Park & S. Park Sts. at Colburn Park Meriden: Weds 5-5:30 PM, SW corner Rte 120 & Main St .



Education for Ministry – EFM - We invite you to give consideration to your spiritual journey by exploring the EFM (Education for Ministry) program. EFM is a four year program that enables one to dig deeper into the Christian faith. the program of study includes the Bible, church history and theological study.  What makes EFM unique is the time spent on reflection and how the ideas and insights revealed connect the traditional faith with one’s life experience. The most dynamic groups engage a variety of religions background, denominations and beliefs. The curriculum was developed by the Episcopal School of Theology in Sewanee TN It has been used for many years and in many countries.  Sewanee provides annual facilitator training. If this intrigues you or if you have questions, call Leslie Black or Katy Chaffee who are facilitating a group that meets at St. Paul’s in White River Junction on Thursday nights 5:30-8:00 pm beginning September 13th.  Katy – 603-298-7623,  Leslie – 802-272-9664,

Scheduling Meeting Rooms – since we have hired Jenny Thomas as office help it is important that our parish meetings get on our calendar of events. This will be more critical as we move forward, but now is the time to get in the habit of requesting meeting space through the office. Our buildings get used by outside groups it is important that we avoid as many conflicts over space as possible.


Ride Share Ministry -The Ride Ministry is an important part of life together as a congregation. It is about keeping us all connected through opportunities to gather together for worship, fellowship etc. When a part of our family is unable to go to our events it leaves a large whole in the fabric of our lives together. If you are interested and able to offer a helping hand in this ministry, please speak to Holly Hall or any other member of the Caring Ministries team. Your help needed and is welcome whether you are available for ongoing rides or just an occasional ride. We are currently looking for three more ‘ongoing ride givers’ volunteers to add to our current list. We are also looking for anyone interested in helping out on a ‘as needed’ basis. Thanks for considering this vital ministry to our parish,  Scott

Caring Ministries - our next meeting will be October 9th, 7pm at Parish House. The meeting is for all those in Prayer Ministry, Healing Prayer Ministry and Pastoral Care and for anyone else who would like to be part of this important Ministry at St. Paul's.

Knit and Purl Fellowship – meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month in the parish house at 6:30.  All are welcome!

Contemplative Prayer and Meditation – On the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, St. Paul's Sanctuary is open 5:30 to 6:30pm. Come to pray and meditate part of the hour or the whole hour. All are welcome!


+ + + + +



Ongoing Reminders

·         Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible.

·         Executive Group Meeting – every Wednesday 3:30-5:00pm -- Everyone is welcome to attend.

·         Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend.

·         Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! – The fourth Tuesday of every month at 3 PM.

·         Knit and Purl Fellowship - meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 in Parish Hall. Anyone who likes hand crafts are welcome to join in!

·         Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!

·         St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning at 11:45 in parish house. All are welcome to join us!

·         Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.

AuthorSaint Pauls

Grant to us, Lord, we pray, the spirit to think and do always those things that are right, that we, who cannot exist without you, may by you be enabled to live according to your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14
Psalm 111
Ephesians 5:15-20
John 6:51-58


Scott’s Schedule

August 20 - Office Hours, 9-12; Vestry Meeting, 6:30 – 8:30 pm

August 21 - Office Hours, 9-12

August 22 – Executive Group meeting 3:30 – 5 pm

August 24 - Sabbath Day

August 25 – Sabbath Day

Who’s Who at 10 AM
         Verger – Doug Jenisch

            Greeter – Dick & Jane Davis

            Host – Marge White

            Readers – Louise Pietsch and Bruce Lather

            Psalms and Prayers – Judi Shank

            Chalice Bearers – Pam Hanson and Joan Lawrence- Studebaker                                             

            Assisting Clergy – Bambi Koeniger

            Nursery Care –  Judy Barwood

            Announcements – Holly Hall

            Coffee Hour – Virginia Umland

            Counters – Dick Davis and Jane Carroll

            Altar Guild – St. Paul’s Altar Guild

            Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan, Doug Jenisch


             Prayer Requests

For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas our bishop, and Rob his NH colleague; Scott our Priest and Diana our Deacon; Trinity Church, Sheldon; Church of the Province of South East Asia.



For us as a people, that we may uproot all forms of violence, discrimination and injustice, especially those based in racism, religious intolerance, gender and sexual bias and promote mutual understanding and trust. For our community partners who serve neighbors in need, and for the United Nations and all who work for peace.

For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.

For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Mick, Grant.

For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror,

      that their hearts may be turned to peace.

For the sick: _____

For those asking our prayers: Janet Belding; Kathy Belding; Mary Davis and her daughter; Muriel Fish; Fred, Patsy, Marge, Alex and Isaac White and families; Diana; Bishop Michael Curry; Mary Benton, Benny Benton, Joan, Joyce and her family; Robert Cameron and family; Chris Howard; Jerry; Dan and Carol Leon; Eric, Amy and their new born baby; Lincoln Thomas; EJ; Samantha, James and Lexi; Mary Corrigan; Goel;  Isaac and Carrol; Jay Burzak; Mary B.; Duffy; Nick; Michael T.; Sekula Duffy; Jim Sires;; Edwin and Eduardo; Geri; Candy; Betsy Townsend; Nate; Jon; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.

For those who have died:  Glenda Perkins; Robert E. Vogele; Dot Grout;  Roger Vaughan; Aidan Nagle; Jack Belding.

In thanksgiving:; For this parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.

Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson (’19), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’19), Junior Warden; Holly Hall (’19); Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Bev Barton (’21); Dick Davis (’21) and Geri Williams (’21).

Upcoming Events
Please send event and prayer updates to
                       August 21 – Vestry Meeting
                       September 9 – Welcome Back Sunday
                       September 23 – Quarterly Meeting of the Parish  
                       October 6 – Parish Retreat

                       October 26 & 27 – Diocesan Convention

                       October 28 – Micah Event, Claremont Senior Center

                       November 3 – Holiday Bazaar

 Parish Announcements - I would like to remind you that all announcements for the parish ‘announcements’ are to be sent to by Wednesday at 5PM. Please include full names and contact information. Jenny Thomas, our new office help person, will be the one collecting and editing the announcements on a weekly basis and it will be helpful to have everything in one place, not spread over multiple email accounts. Thanks, Scott.

Season of Creation - Beginning September, we will step outside of the normal readings for the Sundays after Pentecost. We will follow a special set of readings for the Season of Creation. The season begins September 1, the Day of Prayer for Creation, and runs through October 4, the Feast of St. Francis, who is the patron saint of ecology in many traditions. The theme of this year’s celebration is “walking together.” As siblings in Christ, we are on a pilgrimage to better care of creation.

Mark your calendar - Bishop’s Homecoming and Visitation is Sunday, February 10, 2019

A reminder - We as a vestry and a parish are continuing to listen to you and to the Spirit concerning the potential change and further exploration and further exploration of the future use of our buildings and grounds. As good stewards of the gifts God has given us, we understand that this is an ongoing conversation. If you have ideas or concerns about this subject, please feel free to speak to a vestry member or Scott. All thoughts and ideas are welcome. We really do want to hear from you.  Thank you, Scott

 Call for Retreat Planning Team:  St. Paul's annual parish retreat will be held on October 6th at Camp Farnsworth in Thetford (13 minutes from St. Paul's!)  Please contact Bev Barton or Geri Williams if you would like to be part of a collaborative leadership team.  Please also pass on your thoughts--old favorites or new ideas.    

Education for Ministry – EFM - We invite you to give consideration to your spiritual journey by exploring the EFM (Education for Ministry) program. EFM is a four year program that enables one to dig deeper into the Christian faith. the program of study includes the Bible, church history and theological study.  What makes EFM unique is the time spent on reflection and how the ideas and insights revealed connect the traditional faith with one’s life experience. The most dynamic groups engage a variety of religions background, denominations and beliefs. The curriculum was developed by the Episcopal School of Theology in Sewanee TN It has been used for many years and in many countries.  Sewanee provides annual facilitator training. If this intrigues you or if you have questions, call Leslie Black or Katy Chaffee who are facilitating a group that meets at St. Paul’s in White River Junction on Thursday nights 5:30-8:00pm beginning September 13th.  Katy – 603-298-7623,  Leslie – 802-272-9664,

Listen Community Dinner -
September 17th will be our next Listen Community Dinner.  A sign up sheet will be posted 8/18.  We will plan on serving 110 meals with Tuna Noodle Casserole, (one casserole equals ten servings) and Chocolate Chip Cookies for dessert. Judi Shank, Holly Hall and two more volunteers are needed to help in the Listen kitchen 3pm-5:45pm.Our last Listen Community Dinner will be November 19th. The meal will be planned and organize by the Barwood family.

Scheduling Meeting Rooms – as we begin to move forward with the looking for and hiring of office help it is important that our parish meetings get on our calendar of events. This will be more critical as we move forward, but now is the time to get in the habit of requesting meeting space through the office. Our buildings get used by outside groups it is important that we avoid as many conflicts over space as possible.

Calendar Events

 August 21 - Vestry Meeting - 6:30 - 8:30 in the Parish House. All are welcome to attend.

 August 26 - Backpack Blessing - This is the day we will bless those everyday items, our calendars, keys, backpacks, etc., that help us live and ministry to the world beyond the church doors.  When you arrive on the 26th, please place your items on the table in front of the altar.

August 27 – Bible Study - 7-8:30 PM in the parish house. We will be focusing on the readings for September 2, Genesis 1:1-25, Romans 1:18-23, John 1:1-14. This is a standalone session – no prior experience or involvement is necessary. All are welcome!  For more information, please talk to Scott.

September 11 - Caring Ministries meeting – Caring Ministries is umbrella name that includes Prayer, Healing Prayer and Pastoral Ministries. If you would like to learn more information or would like to join either ministries, please come to our next meeting Sept. 11th..
September 17 – Listen Dinner - September 17th will be our next Listen Community Dinner.  A sign up sheet will be posted 8/18.  We will plan on serving 110 meals with Tuna Noodle Casserole, (one casserole equals ten servings) and Chocolate Chip Cookies for dessert. Judi Shank, Holly Hall and two more volunteers are needed to help in the Listen kitchen 3pm-5:45pm. Our last Listen Community Dinner will be November 19th. The meal will be planned and organize by the Barwood family.

September 23 – Quarterly Meeting of the Parish
October 6 – Parish Retreat – Mark Your Calendars today - All Parish Retreat date is Saturday, October 6th, 2018 at Camp Farnsworth in Thetford.

October 28 - Micah Celebration - United Valley  Interfaith Project will sponsor the 2018 Micah Event  October 28th at the Claremont Senior Center. The doors will open at 2:00 and the event will begin at 3pm.  All organizations that are with UVIP members pick a 2018 Micah Hero, one who ' does justice, loves kindness, and walks humbly with God'. Please take time to consider a person you see every Sunday or a Parishioner who comes to church when they can, a person who fulfills these qualities.  Names will be collected August 19th- September 16th. Names can be submitted to Scott and Vestry members.  Our St. Paul's Micah Hero will be announced September 23rd.  Holly needs help with selling tickets and collecting money to Micah Event. Please contact her if you can help.  More information about  tickets, sales etc  will be shared in weeks ahead.

November 3 - Holiday Bazaar - Mark Your Calendar

General Announcements

 UPDATE: Acolyte, Chalice Administrator and reader sign-up and training/Refresher - If you are interested in serving on a Sunday morning as and acolyte, chalice administrator or readers please sign-up on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board near the narthex and speak to Scott. If you are currently serving in any of the 3 ministries above please plan to attend the Training/Refresher on the following dates. Acolytes – TBA. Chalice bearers – September 9. Readers – September 23. If you are unable to attend on the scheduled ministry training date, please contact Scott to schedule an alternative time.

Extreme Weather Survey - The Bugbee Center, Town of Hartford Community Resilience Organization and Antioch University are working jointly to determine the needs of older folks in the town of Hartford in extreme weather conditions. A short survey is located in the narthex concerning what and how you will or do contend with extreme weather conditions where you are currently living.

Help Wanted for the Retreat Planning Committee - Our all Parish Retreat is scheduled for Saturday, October 6th, 2018 at Camp Farnsworth in Thetford. If you have retreat theme ideas, activity ideas, and would like to a part of the planning team please contact Bev Barton. This is a great day of fellowship, relaxation and worship together. 

Ride Ministry –  If you have extra time and can help transport  Parishioners to and from Sunday service and to church events, please contact Holly. We are looking for 6-8 people who can help with the our St. Paul's  Church Ride Ministry.

Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - We welcome everyone including our neighbors to our Sanctuary for Contemplative Prayer and Meditation 5:30 to 6:30 on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month; we will gather on August 15th, September 5th and 19th. If you have any questions, please contact Holly Hall.

Caring Ministries - our next meeting will be September 11th, 7pm at Parish House. Caring Ministries includes Prayer, Healing and Pastoral Ministry.  If you have an interest in any of these ministries, you are welcome to join our meeting September 11th.

 Weston Priory Services - All are welcome to attend the Weston Priory services throughout the week and weekend. Please check their web page for Sabbath Days and Retreat Days when the Brothers do not hold services.

+ + + + +
St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson (’19), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’19), Junior Warden; Holly Hall (’19); Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Bev Barton (’21); Dick Davis (’21) and Geri Williams (’21).

Ongoing Reminders

·  Discretionary Fund Reminder – First Sunday of every month. Please be as generous as possible. 

·  Executive Group Meeting – every Wednesday 3:30-5:00pm -- Everyone is welcome to attend. 

·  Vestry meets – 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Parish Hall at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend. 

·  Valley Terrace Church Service – Please join us! – The fourth Tuesday of every month at 3 PM.

·         Knit and Purl Fellowship  - meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 in Parish Hall. Anyone who likes hand crafts are welcome to join in!.

·         Bible Study – meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month in the Parish House at 7 PM. We will focus each meeting on the lectionary for the upcoming week. This is a come as you can discussion group, you can do not have to come every meeting. All are welcome!

·  St. Paul’s Concerned about Racial Justice group meets the 2ndTuesday of each month from 6:30-8:00.  We meet in parish house. All are welcome to join us!

·  Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) sponsors two regularly scheduled events open to the public: Mondays, 5:30 – 6:00 pm, on the corner of the green across from Hanover Inn, Vigil for Racial Justice.


AuthorSaint Pauls

O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy: Increase and multiply upon us your mercy; that, with you as our ruler and guide, we may so pass through things temporal, that we lose not the things eternal; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (1979 Book of Common Prayer, Proper 12)



2 Samuel 11:1-15
Psalm 14
Ephesians 3:14-21
John 6:1-21


Scott’s Schedule

July 30 – Office Hours 9-12

July 31 – Office Hours 9-12

Aug 1 – Comp. Day

Aug 2 – Comp Day

Aug 3 – Sabbath Day

Aug 4 – Sabbath Day


Who’s Who at 10 AM

                              Presider and Preacher – The Rev. Diane Root

                              Verger – Doug Jenisch

                              Greeter – Holly Hall

                              Host – Marge White

                              Readers – Kate Conner and Rich Kremer

                              Psalms and Prayers – Karen Smith

                              Chalice Bearers – Judi Shank and Joan Lawrence-Studebaker

                              Assisting Clergy – Bambi

                              Nursery Care –  Beth

                              Announcements – Geri Williams

                              Coffee Hour – ???

                              Counters – Andrew Pillsbury and Harry Kendrick

                              Altar Guild – St. Paul’s Altar Guild

                              Acolytes – Jonathan and Kathryn Brennan, Doug Jenisch



St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson (’19), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’19), Junior Warden; Holly Hall (’19); Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Bev Barton (’21); Dick Davis (’21) and Geri Williams (’21).


Upcoming Events

Please send event and prayer updates to


                       August 21 – Vestry Meeting

                       September 9 – Welcome Back Sunday

                       September 23 – Quarterly Meeting of the Parish 

                       September 29 – Special Diocesan Convention       

                       October 6 – Parish Retreat



Prayer Requests


For the Church:  Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop; Thomas our bishop, and Rob his NH colleague; Scott our Priest and Diana our Deacon; for St. Luke’s Church, St. Albans; for L’Englise Anglicane au Rwanda




For us as a people, that we may uproot all forms of violence, discrimination and injustice, especially those based in racism, religious intolerance, gender and sexual bias and promote mutual understanding and trust. For our community partners who serve neighbors in need, and for the United Nations and all who work for peace.


For those bearing the responsibility of leadership, especially Donald our president, Phil and Chris our governors, our legislators and judges, and all who do the work of governance.


For those who serve in the Armed Forces: Alden; Ryan, Isaac, Eric, Tom, Terry, Jesse, Niki, Simon, Mick, Grant.


For refugees; for exploiters and the exploited; for those committing acts of terror,

      that their hearts may be turned to peace.


For the sick: _____


For those asking our prayers: Joan; Joyce and her family; Robert Cameron and family; Chris Howard; Margery; Jerry; Dan and Carol Leon; Eric, Amy and their new born baby; Lincoln Thomas; EJ; Samantha, James and Lexi; Mary Corrigan; Goel;  Isaac and Carrol; Jay Burzak; Mary Ellen; Mary B.; Jack Belding; Duffy; Nick; Michael T.; Sekula Duffy; Jim Sires; Fred and Patsy White; Alex, Laurie and family; Edwin and Eduardo; Geri; Candy; Betsy Townsend; Nate; Jon; Akash, Akhila; Nived, Jecin, Renjith, and Navathej, our godchildren in India; Jocelyn, our godchild in Honduras and the entire LAMB community; the poor and the oppressed, for the unemployed; for the homeless and the destitute; for refugees; for prisoners and captives; for those affected by the violence and natural disasters around the world, hurricanes, fires and floods.


For those who have died: Roger Vaughan; Aidan Nagle; Joe Goebel;__________.


In thanksgiving:; For the addition of Jenny Thomas to our staff as the office assistant, thiis parish family; for vestry and their hard work; for all good gifts around us; for children and grandchildren; for the gift of faith; for the hope of peace.



Please contact Holly Hall with your prayer requests.



New Office Assistant - We are pleased to announce that we have hired, Jenny Thomas, as our new part-time office assistant. Jenny is a parishioner at St. Barnabas in Norwich. She started on July 24 and is learning our process for creating our bulletins, lectionary inserts, lectern readings and more. More and more administrative tasks will be moved to Jenny as she learns our systems.


Parish Announcements - I would like to remind you that all announcements for the parish ‘announcements’ are to be sent to Jenny will be the one collecting and editing the announcements on a weekly basis and it will be helpful to have everything in one place, not spread over multiple email accounts. Thanks, Scott.


Sad News - I am sad to let folks know that former church member, Roger Vaughan has died.  Roger and Martha used to donate maple syrup to St. Paul's meals and enormous wreaths for our stained-glass windows at Christmas.  Martha sometimes brought a calf to church for the Blessing of the Animals.  Bev Barton                   May Roger’s soul and the soul of all the departed rest in peace.



Vestry News - Your Vestry met on 17 July with everyone present except Molly Castaldo.  Diana Collins briefly reported on how the Outreach Committee (Susan Pillsbury, Marg Brennen, Dede Mackie and Barbara Rector) allocates our outreach contributions each quarter and we discussed how to make more transparent our donations to various local, national and international needs.  We spent the remainder of the meeting discussing notes from the June 9th quarterly meeting, when the parish met to discuss the long-term future mission of St. Paul’s, its long-term financial base and potentially new ways to use our land and property (the ‘air rights’ question).  Vestry members felt that many parishioners at the quarterly meeting had expressed a willingness to consider alternate uses of our land, had urged us to cautiously and prayerfully gather information about various options, had emphasized a desire to focus on mission before bricks and mortar, and had realized that we will need more time to listen to each other and to make space for everyone in the parish to express their opinions.  We decided to schedule the next quarterly meeting for Sunday, 23 September.  Topics for discussion will include the state of our finances in the intermediate future and the calling of a working group to start exploring various options for a long-term, sustainable use of our property.  Our meeting ended with prayer led by Pam. Reported by Rich Kremer, Clerk of the Vestry



Stuart & Annalee Johnson visiting our area for Concerts!  "Just wanted to let you know my band actually got booked for a couple shows July 26th and 27th in and near the upper valley. So Annalee and I decided to make a vacation out of it. Sadly, due to traveling and vacation days, we are not able to come on a Sunday to visit everyone. So, I wanted to extend the invitation to the shows, please pass along to the "fun group" at St Paul's, or whoever is interested."
July 26th
Warner NH Main Street Stage
16 E Main St, Warner, NH 03278
7 PM-9 PM
This one is special because there is a full PA system, sound person and it is an outdoor concert. Blankets and camping chairs recommended!
July 27th
Salt Hill Pub Lebanon Downtown
8-11 PM
This one is later in the day, and we are running our own sound. Closer but later 😉



Education for Ministry – EFM - We invite you to give consideration to your spiritual journey by exploring the EFM (Education for Ministry) program. EFM is a four year program that enables one to dig deeper into the Christian faith. the program of study includes the Bible, church history and theological study.  What makes EFM unique is the time spent on reflection and how the ideas and insights revealed connect the traditional faith with one’s life experience. The most dynamic groups engage a variety of religions background, denominations and beliefs. The curriculum was developed by the Episcopal School of Theology in Sewanee TN It has been used for many years and in many countries.  Sewanee provides annual facilitator training. If this intrigues you or if you have questions, call Leslie Black or Katy Chaffee who are facilitating a group that meets at St. Paul’s in White River Junction on Thursday nights 5:30-8:00pm beginning September 13th.  Katy – 603-298-7623,  Leslie – 802-272-9664,



Summer Lunch Program- Please Save the Dates August 13-17 - This year St. Paul’s will participate in the Summer Lunch Program in August.  This program delivers lunches throughout the summer to the children living at Northwoods and Hollow Drives, two low income housing developments in White River Junction.  I will be away till the first Sunday in August but can be reached by email if you have questions. There have been some changes to how the program will be done this year, so I thought the easiest way to inform everyone is to share the email information I received.  [The email is printed at the bottom of the email announcements.]  We will not be packing individual brown bags.  We will meet daily to make the sandwiches and gather the other donations for delivery. I have hung signup sheets in the Parish Hall for food, and volunteering.  As always if you find it easier to make a monetary donation those are greatly appreciated as well.  Thank you, St. Paul’s, for your continued support of this important program, this makes a real difference to the children in our community. Barb Coulter



Ministry of the Lawn - Summer Lawn Care - There is a need for volunteers to take on the task of mowing the lawn on the Church property. This takes approximately 2 hours per week using the riding mower and the push mower for trimming. Test drives are available! If you are able to help with this there is a sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall on the bulletin board. Please feel free to contact Greg Taylor at 603-667-1464.



Listen Community Dinner - Thank you to everyone who prepared food, bought food and helped in the Listen Kitchen Monday evening preparing food and serving. The Summer Dinner was a big success thanks to all of you!  Our next dinner will be September 17th and our last 2018 Listen Community Dinner will be November 19th and the meal will be planned by Justin, Becky, Morgan, Joseph, and Madison Barwood.



Scheduling Meeting Roomsas we begin to move forward with the looking for and hiring of office help it is important that our parish meetings get on our calendar of events. This will be more critical as we move forward, but now is the time to get in the habit of requesting meeting space through the office. Our buildings get used by outside groups it is important that we avoid as many conflicts over space as possible.



The Mountain - - - Do you receive ‘The Mountain’, the Episcopal Church in Vermont twice a month newsletter? Do you want to know what the Bishop’s Discernment and Nominating Committee (BDNC) is up to? When trainings are being offered? What’s happening in Bennington? And so much more, register to receive an online version of the newsletter here.



Reading the Mountain - Questions arose at our June 27 Meeting regarding The Mountain. The Mountain can be read either online, with embedded links to more information, through your email. Or you can choose to read or print a PDF version that expands all the articles.



Calendar Events


August 14 – Concerned about Racial Justice - On Tuesday evening, August 14th from 6:30 to 8:00 PM the Concerned About Racial Justice group will meet to discuss TEARS WE CANNOT STOP by Michael Eric Dyson.  This best-selling non-fiction book is subtitled "A Sermon to White America" and addresses the crisis in race relations in the United States. The meeting will be held in the Parish House. Everyone is welcome to attend.  There will be a signup sheet posted in the Parish Hall if you'd like the group to obtain a copy for you at cost.


September 11 - Caring Ministries meeting – Caring Ministries is umbrella name that includes Prayer, Healing Prayer and Pastoral Ministries. If you would like to learn more information or would like to join either ministries, please come to our next meeting Sept. 11th..


September 17 – Listen Dinner - Our next Listen Dinner is on September 17 – watch for more details


September 23 – Quarterly Meeting of the Parish


October 6 – Parish Retreat – Mark Your Calendars today - All Parish Retreat date is Saturday, October 6th, 2018 at Camp Farnsworth in Thetford.


October 28 - Micah Celebration - Micah Celebration Event will be Sunday, October 28th in the afternoon. Please begin to think about who you recommend for our Micah Hero who ‘does justice, loves kindness and walks humbly with God’.  More information will be in August announcements.




General Announcements


Ride MinistryThe need for the Ride Ministry at St. Paul's is growing.  We need Parishioners who can help give rides to and from church on Sunday Mornings.  If you are interested in helping with this important ministry, please email or call Holly Hall - 802 295 9095) If you are in need of a ride to our church services day or evening, please contact Holly as well. 


Contemplative Prayer and Meditation - Is held in St. Paul’s Sanctuary the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 5:30-6:30pm. All are welcome as we take time for ourselves in time of silent prayer and meditation. This can also be experienced from home or from work. We will not gather July 4th but will gather July 18th, August 1st and 15th, September 5th and 19th. Holly Hall.


Prouty Team, Rollers and Strollers- A big thank you to everyone who gave a donation to the Prouty team, 'Rollers and Strollers'. I signed up with the team two weeks before the Prouty and I did a Wooded 5K walk with Robin, a patient I work with at 2k in Norris Cotton Cancer Center Thursday afternoons. We had a good time talking and sharing and meeting other 'strollers'. I plan to be on team, Rollers and Strollers at the next Prouty in 2019 and anyone is welcome to join in. Holly Hall.


+ + + + +


St. Paul’s Vestry: Pam Hanson (’19), Senior Warden; Greg Taylor (’19), Junior Warden; Holly Hall (’19); Rich Kremer (’20); Molly Castaldo (’20); Andrew Pillsbury (’20); Bev Barton (’21); Dick Davis (’21) and Geri Williams (’21).

AuthorSaint Pauls