Our Next Quarterly Meeting
The Vestry invites you to join us for our next quarterly all-parish meeting:
after the 10am service on Sunday November 5th
(Remember to turn your clocks back one hour!)
Our quarterly meetings are a time for us to “take our temperature” and talk about any joys or concerns we may have about our life together. We would especially like to focus our attention this time on our large fund-raising activities, as preparation for establishing next year’s budget. How can we think “outside the box” about these events, which build connections among us and which extend those connections to the wider community? How can we shape our fundraisers to address the community needs God brings to our attention while also taking into account the changing demographic of our parish? We are a smaller parish that at some points in St. Paul’s history. We are older and less able to physically do what we have been doing at Bargain Bin for the past few years.
Please put on your thinking caps, your prayer shawls, and seek Wisdom about our participation in the furtherance of God’s Kindom. [‘Kindom’, rather than ‘kingdom’ is one of Pam’s favorite changes suggested in The Inclusive Bible.]