What to Expect ...
The photo board at St. Paul's Church
... When You Are New
St. Paul's has been described by some as "a church in disguise." We aren't hiding - just the opposite - but our signature 1960's architecture gives us a low profile and unless you're looking closely, you may drive right by. Look for us next door to the Upper Valley Haven on Rte. 5, not far from I-91 Exit 12.
Our main entrance is a small white vestibule under the big blue letters that tell you you've found St. Paul's Episcopal Church. It opens into our Parish Hall where you will be greeted and offered a nametag if you would like to identify yourself. You will probably notice people setting out items for the coffee hour we have after the service.
Sunday services are held in the sanctuary, which is at the end of the hallway past the kitchen and restrooms. At the entrance (narthex), one of our hosts will be handing out bulletins that contain the weekly service materials and other information of interest. The pews are arranged in the round and you are welcome to sit anywhere you are comfortable, except between the piano and the organ, which is where our choir sits.
During the service, we use the red Book of Common Prayer and the blue 1982 Hymnals found in the pew racks, and page and hymn numbers will be announced. Our service is traditional with some contemporary elements and will include readings from Scripture, music and prayer, a sermon, and communion, with a good deal of participation on the part of both adult and youth church members. It is a time of reverence, peace, and joy and you are encouraged to ask anyone for help if you have a question. You will find more about How We Worship in that section on our website.
After the service, we have parish announcements when visitors are invited to introduce themselves if they'd like. If you'd rather not, we hope you will stay for coffee hour so that we can meet you then. Whether you are looking for a church home, just visiting the area, or simply curious, St. Paul's hopes to see you!
Many parishioners wear name tags, and you can wear a "Hello ... My Name Is" tag to help meet people more quickly.
Contact us
749 Hartford Avenue
White River Junction, VT 05001
Phone: (802) 295-5415
Email: stpaulsvt@gmail.com
Our History
St. Paul’s story begins in the middle of the Civil War when St. James Episcopal Church in Woodstock, Vermont started sending their priest over to White River Junction. Services in private homes grew into a mission church in the back of Glover’s Clothing Store, and in 1874, the original church was built downtown. By 1882 St. Paul’s was able to...
More about our history ≫
How We Worship
Our Eucharist-centered worship reflects our respect for the traditions of the Episcopal Church and our joy in music and prayer. We are fortunate that the sanctuary surrounds the altar in a semi-circle, emphasizing that we worship as the people of God.
At a typical Sunday...
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